Splinterlands - How To Withdraw In Game Cryptos?


With so many new players joining Splinterlands I wanted to make a post to talk about How one can withdraw in game tokens and exchange it for other tokens? This is important because at the end of the day what we earn can only be of value if we can trade it.

Types of In Game Tokens

Dark Energy Crystal (DEC) is the most abundant form of currency in Splinterlands. A quick definition of DEC:

Splinterlands has its own game economy token called the Dark Energy Crystals (DEC). These are the reward tokens given to players whenever they win tournaments or ranked battles, or finish in-game quests.

Another important note is that all cards when traded through official in game market on if burned will result in DEC amount. So even if a player uses another form of crypto to purchase the card, the seller will only receive DEC equivalent.

Splintershards (SPS) had a little over 3 months of existence and can be earned currently either in daily air drop or by participating and winning in tournaments. The token's utilities include governance on Splinterlands and when staked provide multiple in game services such as earning vouchers for Chaos Legions presale or allow only certain players to partake in game tournament events that requires SPS staked.

Other Splinterlands Assets That Can Be Traded

Booster packs that are unopened from Alpha up to Untamed. All these packs can be converted into tokens and be traded on outside exchanges.

Hive Engine (HE)

There are multiple of options to withdraw DEC or SPS to. However today's post is shorten to focus mainly on a related to Hive platform called. www.hive-engine.com/

HE is a platform created by Aggroed and used daily by many individuals who play Splinterlands daily. Why? Because sometimes its worth it to try to withdraw your earnings and spend it.

On HE most tokens that uses the hive blockchain is also traded on this platform. In addition HE has some outside of hive blockchain tokens.

Picture below in courtesy of @deanlogic:

The swap.xxx of a token basically can be any altcoin that currently exist. However the most common ones that can be traded is listed in the HE list.

Seeing the prospects of HE one maybe thinking how do I get started moving my hard earned Splinterlands DEC and SPS into other cryptos?

How To Withdraw DEC or SPS

To withdraw DEC in game, inside the game home screen click on the DEC number on the top right. A new window will pop up like the screen shot below. Pick the wallet you wish to withdraw to. In this example we pick HE.

Type in the amount you wish to withdraw and it can not exceed the amount you have in game or it will not allow you to withdraw. Once you put in your DEC number and selected HE you can click the withdraw button. In a matter of seconds you will receive your DEC into your HE wallet.

To withdraw SPS in similar fashion as DEC you click on homepage the SPS number on top right. A new page will load like the one below and it will show your holdings of SPS. Form there select the "transfer" button to select Hive-engine as the platform to withdraw SPS.

Similarly to DEC the SPS will go to your Hive-engine wallet in a matter of seconds.

Within Hive-engine (HE) you can start trading DEC and SPS for the native hive blockchain token called HIVE. All pair trades are first traded to Hive and then can be traded for another altcoin if needed. Snapshot below is an example of how DEC is traded to Hive on HE.

HE has no deposit fees for DEC and SPS however once traded into swap.hive and other tokens in order to withdraw out of the HE wallet there is a withdraw fee of 1%. In addition other altcoins may require a 1% deposit fee.

Once you have the token you have traded through HE and want to make a withdraw you can do so simply through a couple of clicks and pay the 1% transaction fee.

The time it takes to receive the transaction will vary depending on the type of token. It is worth reiterating that DEC and SPS have only seconds for transfers to take effect and have technically no fees when deposited. HE is setting 1% transaction fee for most deposits and withdraws.


The post was to briefly go over a way to withdraw in game currencies for other uses. The focal platform to hold the withdraws is Hive-engine. Players that are new to the game may not be aware of this withdraw option to Hive-engine but hopefully this post has enlighten those who have read to the end.

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

If you are interested to learn more about Splinterlands please go through some of my other posts. Order is from newest to oldest posts:

Everything About Dark Energy

All You Want To Know About Reward Chests

SPS White Paper Cliff Notes

Helpful Links for New and Veteran Players

Splinterlands Good Cards To Own

Splinterlands Rentals from a Lender Perspective

I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

mawit07 rentals

If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!



Very insightful! As a new player, I definitely appreciate this
