A Residence Woman


A Residence Woman

This is another opportunity to speak one's mind and to speak about that woman who has been restless unless she does what she has to do. So many people today have been in a tight corner trying hard to come back to their usual self.

This topic is just the type someone so close to me has been through. The topic is below:

Let's talk about a resilient woman, it can be your friend, family member, co-worker, etc. What is her life challenge and what did she do to overcome the trial she faced?

Resilience is when you recover after being stressed. So many people out there have been into one stress or have been into some kind of problem or the other during which they found themselves solving their respective difficulties. This is the best one can do related to this kind of problem.


The very person and the one who is so close to me I can point out to is my mother. My mother is a restless woman. She is someone who can fight hard to save her children from any form of trouble. She has rendered help to so many people. Some months back, my elder brother has problem with his work where he was told to bring some amount of money just for him to secure his job. It was an oil company. He did find ways to get the money but all hope was proved to be abortive. My mum who was a strong and passionate woman decided to render help to his elder son, my elder brother. She hussle to bring out the money by all means.

My immediate elder sister also needed some money after being accused of what she did not do. After much thoughts, my mum went out looking for the money just to make her be free.

It's been three years now, my mum has been fighting for her life. She has been fighting for what she knew nothing about. It started just like a rash. She never allowed any of her children to know about it. She hides it from us and puts us in the dark side of life. I traveled home with my children just this April to celebrate Easter. When I got home, I discovered that her right breast was swollen. She said to me.that it was nothing but an ordinary rash. I did not believe it and so informed my elder brother. This was how all my brothers and sisters got to know about my mum's pains.

She has been fighting it alone and now it came out to be cancer. She is a woman full of strength. She is not the type who can easily give up.

Now, I decided to order a pill for her from JUMIA just to suppress the pains. I was told the pill can work in terms of cancer. It was not easy but she was able to go through the pains. She invited a native doctor to take care of her. The native doctor began treatment and indeed there was an improvement.

It just pains me that I was not able to go home to see my mum and how she remained determined. Although, I have promised to go see her by December no matter what.

To go through such pains is not easy but my mum went through it. I have heard that no one had ever come out of such a serious condition, but my mum indeed came out as the native doctor was so sure of himself. He did not and made my mum back to life again.

I'm inviting @merit.ahama to participate in this.

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Oh my, it had to be Cancer and to endure the pain. My roommate has cancer so I understand how powerless we feel when someone we love has it.
Thanks for sharing @abigail04 🙏


Your mommy is going through a difficult situation. Trusting in the divinity that can do anything, she will get through this situation and just like you, both of you will grow.


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