It's sweet looking at your clock when it's 22:22


Hive Power of 2222.222


Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I missed it by 0.001 HP

I wanted to screenshot it at 2222.222, but just missed it, as 0.001 was added on by the real time APR reward that we all get on our HP, so the screenshot had 2222.223. There is something about recurring numbers or patterns in numbers which is just pleasing to my brain. I've no idea why that is, I guess I'm just programmed that way.


22:22 on my clock

It's like seeing your clock at exactly 22:22 and you say "Ohhh, 22:22" Maybe it's just me! Only one way to find out, I'll look it up.


My guardian angel

Well holy shitballs batman, I just found some really interesting stuff online. It turns out that noticing these numbers means that my guardian angels are watching out for me. I found the following info here on this website

"Did you know that it’s not a coincidence to see the same number sequence over and over? In life, guardian angels send us certain messages through these recurring number sequences known as angel numbers.
What Does Angel Number 2222 Mean?
Angel number 2222 is made up of number 2 appearing four times, as well as 22 and angel number 222, so its general meaning reflects the meanings of these three angel numbers.
The 2222 number carries an important message that says you need to work towards finding balance, peace, and harmony in your life. However, while you’re trying to achieve this balance, you also have to make sure you don’t lose your positive energy.
Angel number 2222 is the master number 22 occurring twice. Master numbers are special, and this powerful number comes into your life at that moment when you need it the most, often when you seem to be losing hope in life or when your dreams are starting to seem unreachable.
The angels send you the double master number 22 so that you do not despair or fall into some kind of depression.
Your guardian angels have great timing, so trust that they always know when you need them most and will always help you make the right life decisions and move up in your life.
Keep in mind that everything that happens to us happens for a reason. Though we might sometimes think that life is unfair, the angels want us to know that challenges are ever there.
They want us to take a moment and think more about our actions and even the thoughts that we often have as doing so could help us develop a more positive attitude towards life.
It’s important to stay optimistic in life as this will push you forward and help you take things a little less seriously. Even though some things we face in life might leave us feeling desperate, it’s essential that we take them as challenges sent to us so that we can learn a given lesson.
The angel number 2222 meaning teaches us that character is not built by going through the best experiences in life, but by persevering through difficulties.
Seeing the number 2222 means the guardian angels want you to have faith that in the end, things will work out for good. They want you to know that as long as you choose to remain strong, no one can cause you any harm.
You will encounter people who will try to break you but the guardian angels want you to remember that nothing can ever break a strong and positive mind. They want you to work more on your confidence and learn to believe more in your skills.
Angel number 2222 is also a great reminder of the love we show to each other and the kindness that we express because of it. It tells us that for you to have the best relationships, you need to be kind so that you’re also shown the same whenever you need someone to lean on."

Well I do believe in God and an afterlife and angels, so reading this has been quite nice actually. Roll on The 2nd February next year.


I took this shot of a rainbow or at least a partial one earlier one 🌈 Maybe this was my guardian angel saying hello as well?? 🤔


Thanks as always for stopping by.

Peace Out

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Congratulations, man.
Yea, seeing some number sequence is very pleasurable. But I'm sure they're all coincidences. Numbers come together all the time it would be impossible for some sequence not to appear some times by virtue of the simple natural coming together.

But totally have fun, man 😀


Ya can't disagree with any that, that's the logical approach, but I do believe there are also things we can't explain.. thanks for the engagement


Or 22nd Feb, my mum's birthday 😀


Ah no way, a very special day for you then 😊
