My crazy weekend (EBG/ESP)


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The weekend is the perfect opportunity for many activities, whether cleaning, resting, watching movies or series, going shopping or eating, going on a trip, in short so many things, for a long time I wanted to upload a publication to this community, but the truth was not organized, until I said to myself: "stop thinking about it so much and do it", it is only about sharing the activities done or those you want to do for your weekend, it is not so difficult.

El fin de semana es la oportunidad perfecta para muchas actividades, ya sea limpiar, descansar, ver películas o series, salir de compras o a comer, ir de viaje, en fin tantas cosas, desde hace mucho deseaba subir una publicación a esta comunidad, pero la verdad no me había organizado, hasta que me dije: “ya deja de pensarlo tanto y hazlo”, solo se trata de compartir las actividades realizadas o las que desea realizar para tu fin de semana, no es tan difícil.


Well for those who do not know me my name is Cristina Turmero Nuitter, I am Venezuelan, mother and cat lover, I come here to share the activities I did this weekend, the first thing is that for several days I had planned to go shopping, since I have almost no clothes to use due to my weight gain, but between various activities and occupations had not been able to go out, but I told my husband today: "it's now or never or I will spend the money on something else and never buy anything."

Bueno para quienes no me conocen mi nombre es Cristina Turmero Nuitter, soy venezolana, madre y amante de los gatos, vengo por acá a compartir las actividades que realice este fin de semana, lo primero es que desde hace varios días tenía pensado ir de compras, ya que no tengo casi ropa para utilizar debido a mi aumento de peso, pero entre varias actividades y ocupaciones no había podido salir, pero le dije a mi esposo hoy: “es ahora o nunca o me gastare el dinero en algo mas y nunca comprare nada.”


So today after trying to take Pocholo to the vet and not succeeding and I say trying, because he hid and was nowhere to be found, we went out, we went first to Candelaria to a store that was recommended to me and to my surprise I really found very good prices, excuse me for not sharing photos of the store, but I still can't get rid of my habit of getting rid of technology and especially the cell phone when I'm on the street, first for safety and secondly I think it is a strong factor of distraction and we tend to neglect what happens around us, now back to the subject, this store called Mr Price really has very good prices and merchandise, I got two very nice blouses and a pair of jeans.

Así que hoy luego de intentar llevar a Pocholo al veterinario y no lograrlo y digo intentar, ya que se escondió y no se le encontró por ninguna parte, salimos, fuimos primero a la Candelaria a una tienda que me recomendaron y para mi sorpresa realmente encontré muy buenos precios, me disculpan que no les comparta fotos de la tienda, pero es que todavía no se me quita mi costumbre de desprenderme de la tecnología y sobre todo del celular cuando estoy en la calle, primero por seguridad y segundo creo que es un factor fuerte de distracción y solemos descuidarnos de lo que ocurre a nuestro alrdedor, ahora volviendo al tema, esta tienda de nombre Mr Price realmente tiene muy buenos precios y mercancía, conseguí dos blusas muy bonitas y un jeans.



Now, from there we went to Sabana Grande first to see if I could find another jeans and second I wanted to see if I could get a coffee maker, since the one I had went to better life, so we urgently needed another one, but the ones we found did not have a permanent filter so we did not buy it, now the search for the Jeans was an adventure, we already visited one of the famous Traki stores and it is a total december madness, the amount of people is amazing and the boxes had endless queues, but when I managed to find a pair of pants for what is now my size or in theory, the queues for the fitting rooms were also impressive, so I gave up and left there only acquiring a new garbage can for my room.
Ahora bien , de allí fuimos a Sabana Grande primero para ver si lograba encontrar otro jeans y segundo deseaba ver si conseguía una cafetera, ya que la que tenia paso a mejor vida, así que nos urge otra, pero las que encontramos no tenían filtro permanente así que no la compramos, ahora la búsqueda del Jeans fue una aventura, ya visitamos una de las famosas tiendas de Traki y es una total locura decembrina, la cantidad de gente es sorprendente y las cajas tenían colas interminables, pero cuando logre encontrar un pantalón para lo que ahora es mi talla o en teoría, las colas para los probadores eran también impresionantes, así que desistí y sali de allí solo adquiriendo una nueva papelera para mi habitación.


On the other hand we visited a place that we have become customers, for their prices, besides the food is not bad is a restaurant where they sell hamburgers, hot dogs and pizzas at very good prices, just to give an example they sell a combo they call Dogs Family Combo is composed of 8 hot dogs, with chips and half a liter of soda all for $ 5, so if we walk around Sabana Grande and we have walked a lot and we know it will be difficult to get to cook, we make a stop there.

Por otra parte visitamos un lugar del que nos hemos vuelto clientes, por sus precios, además de que la comida no es mala es un restaurante donde venden hamburguesas, perros calientes y pizzas a muy buenos precios, por solo poner un ejemplo venden un combo al que llaman Combo familiar de Perros esta compuesto por 8 perros calientes, con papitas fritas y medio litro de refresco todo por 5 dólares, así que si andamos por Sabana Grande y hemos caminado mucho y sabemos que será difícil llegar a cocinar, pues hacemos allí una parada.

Gracias por leer dos idiomas.png

n conclusion, this is a little bit of the crazy weekend, without forgetting the activities that every home requires, for example when I finish writing these lines I will get ready to clean, since my house is really dirty and one of my cats peed somewhere and I stink the house, I do not know the exact place, but I will do it, so duty calls, a pleasure to share with you in this great community, a hug until a next publication, I will be grateful and happy to receive your comments, until a next publication.

Ya para concluir. este es un poco del loco fin de semana, sin olvidar las actividades que todo hogar requiere por ejemplo al terminar de escribir esta líneas me dispondré a limpiar, ya que mi casa esta reamente sucia y alguno de mis gatos se hizo pipi en algún parte y apesto la casa , no doy con el lugar exacto, pero ya lo hare, así que el deber llama, un placer poder compartir con ustedes en esta gran comunidad un abrazo hasta una próxima publicación, estaré agradecida y encantada de recibir sus comentarios, hasta una próxima publicación.


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You will wonder but I start planning for the weekends as soon as Monday starts. :):)


It is an excellent idea, I think I will take it into account, thanks for this great suggestion, a hug.


Good for you for making the time and effort to finally do your weekend post! I'm glad you found at least a few bargains and had some success in your shopping goals even if it didn't all pan out as planned.
That lunch looks delicious, and it's nice to eat out while shopping then you don't have to go home and cook.
But the housework still remained, and dang the cat anyway for peeing in a disguised spot!


Yes I decided to make my publication and things do not always go as planned but everything has a solution and especially my cats are somewhat stressed by a neighbor's dog and that has caused certain behaviors in them, please do not curse them they have proven to be more faithful than many humans.


Definitely did not intend that comment as a curse to your cat - just at the fact that you had to do extra cleaning. 😉

I love cats and we had kept my son's cat for over a year while he was stationed in Iraq. He (Tim the cat) came to rule the house during that time and we really missed him when it was time for him to return home!


Aaaaah ok I understand maybe translator effect , you have described the cats behavior perfectly they are dominant.

Interesting to know that you are a war veteran.


It was my son who was sent to Iraq and left me to care for his cat, and I'm mother of TWO war veterans. My other son was deployed to Afghanistan at roughly the same time.

Happy holidays to you and your family!


Muy cierto en el fin de semana es muy versatil lo que podemos hacer y para muchos salir de compras es una manera de salir de la rutina


Asi es bella y creo que es muy bueno salir de la rutina ya que la monotonía cansa


Exactamente y con la situación mundial sumada a la pandemia debemos aprovechar el poco tiempo libre para distraer la mente
