Just watch me out in the next five years. ( LOH contest #118)

Hello beautiful ladies in the house. Happy to meet you again. Welcome to my blog.


The next five years will be great for me because I have made so many plans for it. Starting from two years back I made plans for seven years which happens to fall in the next five years. It will also be a surprise for as many that think that my life has been a waste.

Before now it has been too clear that anyone from my family will not amount to anything tangible. Because as it stands, non of my siblings have their primary school certificate with them. Their were all school drop out right from primary school. All my sisters are like that and they are also comfortable with it. They all move around as novice and don't care about the situation. But when I grew up and noticed what was happening, I decided that I will change the narrative.

I know that it is very possible. Because what you put your mind to achieve will be achieved as long as you are determined. Years back I cried and searched for someone who will help and sponsor me in school. But I never got anyone, even those from my family who I know can help me refused until I got married and after having my kids, I decided to go back to school, at least to make my people proud that we have a graduate in our family. I have been through a lot because of my educationally carrier, but all to the glory of God.

What will happen in the next five years?
By then I would have become a PhD holder. Yes, this is what I am targeting. I will not stop schooling till I get to that place. and I know that it is Achievable. No matter the cost, I will get there.

Presently, I am rounding up my degree program with the ABU Zaria, and before two years I will be through. Heading straight for my masters degree for about a year. Lastly I will go for my doctorate degree which will take another two years. Every thing has been arranged, and I know that with God by my side I will make it.

I will also use this opportunity to invite two special friends of mine to come and share with us where they think that the next five years will meet them. @helenchy, @desiredlady.

Till we meet again.


wow this is a great testimony and it is indeed true that destiny can only be delayed can't be denied. glad you were able to break that no school chain of your family, am sure you will make sure those who come after you attend school and the same legacy will be passed on from one generation to the other ...


Excelente Doctora! La planificación es muy importante para el cumplimiento de nuestras metas, constancia y dedicación y dalo por hecho! Saludos y muchos éxitos!


That shows alot of strengths to break the chain, and I bet that you just made a future milrstone for next generation in your family to go to school.

This: 👉 what you put your mind to achieve will be achieved as long as you are determined 👈

May not be many words but they say alot, and if you can live by that then nothing is impossible 😉

I have no doubt you reach your goals and you should be SO proud of yourself Sister, see how far you come already.
And you are a Great inspiration for others ❤️

Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend. Cheers 🌸
