Ask Leo: Do ​​People Want To Get Rich With Crypto Or Do They Just Want The Profits?

I don't think anyone here is ever satisfied with getting rich. A rich man will want to get more and more. This is due to the belief that as long as a person has enough money he will want more to maintain his standard of living.
The race to get money is endless.

But most of the people involved in Crypto these days have a common reason: in order to get rich or earn more profit so they don't have to worry about their daily needs but everything is based on money, which I think if the game is favourable no one will dare to come around it.

We have people who have used Crypto as a financial help to get it solve their problem financially.

As Crypto provides financial support to some, it creates jobs for many graduates and unemployed by partially providing funds to depend on it for both short and long term investing on it

However, this made me see Crypto as a Messiah because it came at the right time when the world needed something to financially solve people's problem and by doing so I had no regrets about being in Crypto through the hive blockchain. .

But one thing is that Crypto is not just for people that want to be financially independent like me. A rich man chooses to be a part of Crypto by investing his money in it to eventually earn more, which I can't say a rich person isn't satisfy.

So I get it twisted to understand if people who are involved in cryptocurrencies are looking to get rich or just looking for profit to solve their financial problem, if it is the rich man who invests in it, is it also to solve a financial problem? It's a fair question.

What is your thoughts on this questions

PS: Deleted and Republished due to errors

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