Money Matters: Why Financial Responsibility Should be inculcating among the Youth

Before I grew up to this stage, I already know what financial responsibility is. I experienced growing up in a local environment and you know what that means? There is little of what your parents have to offer you, if you don't make an effort to earn your own money, you won't find it fun.


Honestly only local parents learn well about financial responsibility, I remember the time we had to go to the street to sell water, some thought it was all child abuse but it's not true. I see it as a way of taking responsibility because our parents try to preach to us that the money we spend is not easy to earn, although I won't understand until I grow up 🤔.

And today I know the impact of financial responsibility, it is an essential part of our lives, but it is rarely taught in schools, and I would say that is why those who do not go through poverty have a hard time in adulthood, and many have found themselves in the cave of bad financial decisions because they are not taught in schools.

The aspect of financial management is often overlooked in the education system. The lack of emphasis on financial responsibility often leads young people to adulthood without the necessary knowledge and skills to manage their finances effectively. The cost of living alone is very important in teaching young people how to take responsibility for their finances so that they develop good financial habits.

The truth is that managing money is what everyone should know, but unfortunately, today's youth lack the basic financial skills needed to manage our finances effectively. Most of us do not know the value of money, do not know how to plan, budget and save for our future. Teaching young people financial responsibility is crucial to their future success and stability, orelse it will have serious consequences for our society.

If young people don't learn money management, they will be the ones filling the world with bad habits, and I think we are already experiencing that. The youth are the ones who steal from the system, are the ones who make the economy worst with their mismanagement of money.

However, from my experience I would say that it is better to teach young people early on the value of saving, budgeting and investing so that they can make informed decisions about their finances and avoid financial pitfalls

Not only the government can inculcate financial responsibility, anyone can inculcate financial responsibility in young people, you can empower them to make informed financial decisions that will benefit them in the long run.

Thanks for your attention
