I know it's painful , those that mean you should give up


According to report by @interpretation ,there is little engagement on this platform ,which was because of the the fall in price of PoB

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(Source :skinnyms)
Yeah! , PoB is bleeding and still bleeding ,does this now make you loose focus ,does it affect your creativity on what to post , market go up and down ,that is how it is and that is how it will surely keep going

If you did not expect this why did you start ,are you new to crypto world,this is the best time to invest in your thinking , right more post , engaged in more comment

Remember PoB reward is secondary ,the purpose of this platform is to engage ,write post that someone will gain from ,tell us what is going on in your area ,let us know about you ,read others post and gain from it

Just because PoB price goes down ,it does not mean you should give up on yourself, because what I read is really disappointing, engagement on this platform keep dropping just because there is little change in price

If you are among of those who am talking about ,you need to rethink your decision ,write new post let someone gain from you ,read other post and gain from other post

price is still coming up , think positive not negative



Posted via proofofbrain.io


This is actually true mates that their is crises in the crypto market right now is not enough reason for anybody to give up or reduce their level of engagement on this platform,the platform as gone beyond taking or getting rewards alone,it as become a citadel where people learn and Rub minds together

Posted via proofofbrain.io
