Three Steps No Excuses Day 25. Think Quality Thoughts.


Ideas from Plus 1 Success Day 25

Thinking better and more positive thoughts is something I have been working on for a long time. Negative thoughts can literally ruin your life if you let them take hold. I believe that whatever the mind focuses on it becomes. In a lot of ways we are like animals that are domesticated. We are taught by our parents and primary caretakers how to see the world so examining your thoughts and beliefs are very important.

For me the truth is that I am a powerful and loving creator of my life. Negative thoughts and definitions of my self are not the truth. So this means that I need to be vigilant about telling myself the truth about myself. I believe it takes only about 10 to 20 seconds for a negative thought to take hold. If I don't change it in that time another one will come along and support the first one and before I know it I am having a bad day.

It is very important to catch yourself because thoughts become real. What you focus on is extremely important. Being moral is a good way to stay on track. All cultures and religions know this deep down, that is why we have the Golden Rule. It is simple, treat other people the way you want to be treated.

What Thoughts are you having today? Are they uplifting or do they bring you down?

Getting the support you need.

It is important to be around people that support and uplift you. If you are around people who have rampant negative thoughts it can rub off on you.

Finding a positive community is a good way to keep yourself on the right track. Social groups online can be good for you IF they are uplifting. I like Click Track Profit for this reason because one of the focuses of this group is to be positive and uplifting. They understand that being honest with yourself and others is the best way to become a successful marketer.

Don't let negative people influence you. It is like poison to the human spirit. Be careful about how you define yourself. Don't let other people do it for you. Take your power into your own hands and define your own self and the way you think.

What ways do you get support from others that is uplifting?

Give yourself a break!

It is good to slow down and take a break if you are pushing yourself to hard or are judging yourself for your failures.

Take some time everyday to make sure you are staying on a positive track. Some of us just go and keep on going without mental breaks. This is not good and will catch up with you. I have burned myself out many times because I didn't know how stop and give myself what I need to keep going.

Find a good mentor. Having someone in your life who has learned these lessons can be a powerful way of keeping on track.

Having an objective opinion of my thoughts and actions can go a long way. I have been able to straighten myself out many times by getting critical feedback from the right person. Mentors are a must.

Do you have a good mentor in your life?

Join us at the CTP Telegram group to get valuable support on your journey.


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I like reading about your journey. It helps me focus on the positive as well. BTW, congratulations on the 2000 upvotes. Keep going.


Thanks David. I appreciate your support!
