

Wood Nymph! This is quite a nice challenge, since I like to play this card a lot before Chaos Legion. With the new Goblin Psychic I am not often Renting Wood Nymph, but for this Battle Challenge I love to play her again! And she was perfect for the Rule Set!

Check out my battle:


Wood Nymph


For a long time this was the only level 1 healer for Earth and therefore a pretty amazing card to use. Khmer Princess gets heal as well, as Spirit of the Forest does, but both at higher levels.
As already mentioned it lost some appeal with the arrival of Chaos Legion. But it is still a great card to be used in some rule sets.


A peculiar new bud appeared at the tips of the highest branches of the Elder Tree. The animals living in the tree watched as the strange buds grew, and in a matter of days, burst open. From each bud zoomed forth a tiny sprite. These Wood Nymphs quickly scattered around Anumün in a frenzy of mischief.


The Rule Set:


Little League and Holy Protection with only Water and Earth being available and a over the top mana cap of 36. This is perfect for a Wood Nymph.

My Team

As for all but Djinn Bilkja, I do not own these cards. Either they're in the Starter deck or I did rent them. I got the Elven Mystic GF delegated from @bambi12 .

Summoner: Obsidian


The new rare Chaos Legion +1 Magic Summoner did cause a shift from Water to Earth regarding magic spam. And it is quite good at it. With no direct counter being available, it can be quite successful (no earth Bortus). Sure, Bortus and also Thaddius Brood are good counters against Obsidian, but they aren't always available. Obisidian is currently priced at $6,5-7 per BCX.


The relevant levels are level 2 (Bronze cap), level4 (Silver Cap) and level 6 (Gold cap). But also the other levels are great to have.

First Position: Failed Summoner


Countering magic in little league is essentiell. Since all monsters usually have low health, magic spam is one of the most effective strategies. And since I was magic spamming myself, I found this card being a perfect fit.
It is a Untamed common card currently starting from $2,29. At Level 1 it has 2 speed, 4 health and reflect. It gets demoralize at level 6 and strengthen at level 10, and a lot more HP. So yes, it is a perfect meat shield.


Second Position: Xenith Monk


Xenith Monk is a rare, neutral Chaos Legion card, that is probably the new little league main tank. This is completely explained by its stats. 1 Melee attack, 3 Speed and a stunning 6 HP at level 1. At level 2 it gets even better with the Heal ability. The Monk gets another Melee Attack at level 5 (Gold Rank) and Void at level 6, as well as Reflect at Level 8. So it is perfectly suited to tank most of the attacks.


This is exactly what I needed it for. To be a shield in front of my attackers. And I like it for this purpose.
Starting at $0,8 it is quite cheap - but not compared to most other Chaos Legion / CL Reward rare cards. Some of those can be bought for around a fourth of that price.

Third Position: Elven Mystic


Next up is Elven Mystic. Another rare neutral card, this time one of the Untamed ones. Starting with 1 magic, 2 speed and 3 HP this is a very average or even below average magic card. But it really gets going with Silence at level 4 and above. At level 8 it gets even better with Affliction. It gets another Magic attack at level 7 as well, and some more speed and HP down the line.
With $6,97 per copy it is one of the more expensive cards in this set. A level 8 maxed out version starts at $3,34 per BCX.


Fourth Position: Djinn Biljka


I bought this card during the times it was quite expensive at around $20. Now this legendary CL reward card is going for a quarter of it, the cheapest being at around $5. Even its gold version is only at $120.
I already did a deeper analysis here.


Although not reflected in its price, Djinn Biljka got major buff with Obsidian. Starting with 1 Magic Attack, 1 Speed and 2 HP with Camouflage at level 1, it looks really neglectable compared to other legendaries - and so far is not being a favorite. But with Obsidian this one attack gets doubled. At level 2 it gets another attack and void, with gives him 3 magic attack combined with Obsidian. That really can do some great damage. And it cannot be attack directly, except when it gets in first position. It can also be hurt by blast.

Fifth Position: Wood Nymph - The Challenge Monster


Wood Nymph is a common reward card - as far as I know a Beta Reward card, but not quite sure about that. It is most likely not usable in modern format.
Starting at level 1 it has heal - the major selling point. It also gets strengthen at level 6, which is another great boost.


It also has 1 magic attack at level 1 and gets another one at level 8. It also gets more spee and health with the levels, starting at level 1 with 1 speed and 2 health.
A single copy is at around $4,44, while the cheapest BCX is at $1,34 for a level 6 52 BCX copy (at almost $70). The Gold Foil version starts at $67 per BCX and also for a single copy.

Sixth Position: Child of the Forest


The child of the Forest is another rare Untamed card. It starts at $2,44 per single copy, while the cheapest per BCX is a level 8 for $208 ($1,81/BCX).


I like it as an addition to my magic team, since it has the snipe ability and therefore can avoid the first position tanks. Also in case, that magic gets absorbed with void, this one can still do some nice damage.

My Opponent's Team:

My Opponent wen with Keyla and a water/neutral team, with Xenith Monk, Cruel Sethropod, River Nymph, Elven Mystic, Venari Spellsmith and Pixie.

The Battle:


In the first round my Failed Summoner was able to take almost all the divine shields from my opponents team. The rest of my team did kill their tank.


Also the second round was a clear victory for me, with none down on my side, while two down on their side.


This didn't change in Round 3, leaving me with almost my whole team against a Pixie of theirs. So it was a clear victory!



My plan worked quite well. My opponent did destroy all of its divine shields in round 1 and after that I could clear the field one by one. The Wood Nymph kept my Monk alive and so I didn't had to fear his attackers.


