Home Tomatoes from Planting to Harvest


This is a small garden in my house where my father and I have grown various vegetables, fruits, flowers, and plants. This year we are seeing good harvesting and growing of plants and vegetables, which may be due to the good weather and increased rainfall, which causes our plants to grow quickly. I was not a fan of harvesting various plants, vegetables, and fruits, but this year I decided to keep a few plants and harvest if possible.

I had no prior experience growing vegetables, so I chose tomato and watermelon plants at random and began the process. I still remember going to the Hazara garden with my parents in April to pick out different plants and flowers to grow at home. We also decided to harvest tomatoes and watermelon, and if we are successful, we will grow more. We begin by making and placing the mud vase, which is filled with mud and silt soil. Silt soil helps crops and other vegetables grow faster.

I was overjoyed when we placed the tomato plant in the vase and considered how long it would take to grow tomatoes. We failed several times, but eventually I decided to look up what things are needed to grow tomatoes on the internet. I discovered that we need more sun to grow tomatoes, as well as a normal temperature, good soil, and silt to help this plant grow faster. My father loves gardens and spends a lot of time watering and caring for them.

To be honest, my father controls all of the activities; he gets up in the morning and waters the plants and checks their soil; if they are disturbed, he sets them back to crashing. He used to wash the plants' and vegetables' leaves and check to see if the sun was shining on them. After that, he repeats the process in the evening after the sunset. I am extremely grateful to my father for caring for our garden, which has resulted in the production of tomatoes.

The first image shows the tomato vase in which these tomatoes have grown. When I see my tomatoes growing and adding to the quantity shown in the picture, I am overjoyed. There are about 6 to 7 tomatoes that have been grown but are still raw and green in colour. These tomatoes were initially very small in shape, but after some time, their size has increased and they look amazing. I made several images of my tomatoes being harvested and decided to share my home's small garden with you.

We're waiting for these tomatoes to fully ripen before I take another picture and share the ripened moment with you. I took about 9 to 10 pictures of this harvesting step and shared them with you step by step. Previously, I was not interested in gardening and growing various vegetables, but after seeing the results, my interest has grown, and I plan to grow more in my home, and perhaps even set up my roof for planting and gardening. This is the work of living hearts, and it is one of the best hobbies with numerous benefits.

This is my attempt to provide you with the best images of our home tomatoes. We put in a lot of effort unless these tomatoes grew, and I hope you enjoy my home tomatoes. I hope you enjoyed the read and the photography; if you did, please leave a comment in the section below so that the next post can be even better. Thank you for sticking with me until the end.

REMEMBER: We should prepare for the unexpected and hope for the best. Life may not be easy, but you must do your best and leave the rest to God.


That's nice.. Free tomatoes from the garden 😊
