Mindfulness of Joyous Moments


The other day I spoke with a friend who lost her Dad some months ago due to the pandemic. I hadn’t connected with her for a while. I asked how she was, she surprisingly said she had just tasted the best cherries ever in her life. Those were her response. I was glad to hear that from her and delightful was refreshing, it didn’t alter the underlying fact that she felt heavy-hearted because of her grieving status. But as at that moment, she nonetheless found joy in eating a bowl of cherry.

Joy can come in any form, small, unassuming, disarming. It’s can be hiding in a bowl of cherry, in food, a song, or in a comfortable dress no matter how small it can be. Often, we have to coax these little moments of joy into our own awareness. But of course, our attention is often otherwise occupied with negative feelings like sadness, tugged toward irritation after learning a friend is ill, or anxiety when someone we love has lost their job. And there comes the larger forces that pull our attention towards deep uncertainty about the future.

But along the line, with all of those dark and stormy moments is also the bloom of joy. Just like anger or sadness, subtler moments of gladness surfaces throughout our day. Being aware of the many small good moments we experience isn’t a denial of everything else that might be wrong. Instead, it’s a honest recognition of what might be arising in the moment.


For my friend, her momentary joy arose in the taste of cherry. Right now, for me, it’s writing this to make an impact. For you, it might be reading this story (I hope so LOL) or sipping a refreshing glass watermelon of juice. Connecting with simple moments like these not only makes us feels good, it also reduces our hard-wired tendency toward negativity.

One practical way to counter our negative bias mind is to explore every joyful moments. Soaking in moments of delight requires mindfulness. It’s sometimes challenging, for example, to enjoy a cup of ice cream when you’re scrolling through Twitter or world news platform. These duo’s can’t match, it will be a sweet-sour moment. But moments like having a cup of ice cream with a loved one is remarkable and brings joy.

Make every moments of your lifetime count with the experience of joy in it.

Thank you for visiting this blog, see you on my next

Cheers to the weekend🥂


Hi! @asherrobert 🙋🏻‍♀️

How nice to reflect on what you say. The joy in the little things. How you say, we don't deny reality, but enjoy the good things that life brings us too 💗

Happy weekend to you 🌟


Hola @asherrobert, gracias por compartir esta grata historia que nos demuestra las diferentes perspectivas que podemos tener cada persona sobre las alegrías que nos da la vida y es que solamente no pueden ser actividades gratificantes, es que la felicidad esta en nuestro interior y de nosotros mismos depende que esa llama permanezca viva
