Rising Star Game: weekly contest announcement rules and rewards


As I announced in my previous post that I'm planning to start weekly contest for rising star players. today I'll share all details of contests and how they will be held in next week.

I have decided to start 4 weekly contests 1 contest will be held in 1 week so all 4 will be in a month.all have easy to tasks participate and you can win rewards by winning contest winner will be picked by randomly with raffle wheel name's draw. (only for week 1 and week 2) week 3 and 4 winner will be selected by their performance.

the video of draw also will be share on video sharing platform.


  • 1 Week: Rising star meme's.
  • 2 Week: card hunter. (holding random specific card. it would be common and rare only)
  • 3 Week: Jumping jet champ.
  • 4 Week: super star report.


All rising star community rule's apply.

Only 1 more rule will be apply in 1st week contest don't copy meme's.
you can use any meme template but meme should be about rising star game.

other contests have no space to break rule's so we have no special rule to apply.

1st week contest sample post will be published in rising star community before 2 days of starting contest.


Reward will be distributed in starbits, starpro, leo, vibe, Pob
every contest has different reward pool.
reward detail will be shared in every contest sample posts.

If you have any question feel free to leave a comment.

Thank You For Visiting Post . Good Bye.

Here is my other post's about rising star game.

The rising star: Yahoo... 500 Missions Completed And Got 1 Random Card Packs.(Giveaway)

*Rising Star Game: the crafting tale of an average player.

Rising Star Game: Let's craft RSTAR DIIII Drum kit

Rising Star Game: I get discarded pizza whenever I complete a crafting mission.(discarded pizza should be exchangeable).

How To Become A Superstar Player On Rising Star Game.

Rising Star Game: Just Achieved A New Milestone By Completing 400 Missions.

Rising Star Game: buy skills card or do music lesson what's better?

RISING STAR: Smart Strategy To Complete Mission Without Wasting Energy.

RISING STAR GAME | How To Increase Rankings By Holding Unique Cards (Explained)

Hive Engine And Rising Star Game Card market Is Responding Slow And Causing Issues.

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