[ESP-ENG] Blogging Challenge - Day 20,Earliest childhood memory | Día 20, Primer recuerdo de la infancia

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Día 20, pregunta incomoda, hoy en mi turno en el #BloggingChallenge, me toca responder sobre un recuerdo de mi infancia y al tratar de recordar, se me vinieron a la mente muchas cosas, pero contare una que creo que fue causal de mi forma de ser actualmente, mis ganas de superarme y no depender de ningún hombre para poder surgir.

Day 20, awkward question, today in my turn in the #BloggingChallenge, I have to answer about a memory of my childhood and trying to remember, many things came to my mind, but I will tell you one that I think was causal of my current way of being, my desire to overcome myself and not depend on any man to emerge.

Este recuerdo es de cuando era muy chica, anteriormente les conté que mi madre paso por mucho para poder sacarnos adelante, en algún momento le toco mas difícil que otros y en uno en especifico casi le costo la vida.

This memory is from when I was very young, previously I told you that my mother went through a lot to get us through, at some point it was more difficult than others and in one specific moment it almost cost her her life.

Lo peor del caso es que me acorde por que fue justo un 2 de marzo, un día normal, recuerdo que vivíamos en casa de mi abuela, un terreno grande donde habían dos casas juntas, llego la noche y todo iba normal.

The worst part of the case is that I remembered that it was just a March 2nd, a normal day, I remember that we lived in my grandmother's house, a large lot where there were two houses together, the night came and everything was normal.

El padre de mi hermana menor, mi padrastro en ese entonces, llego de lo mas normal a la casa, se baño, comió y se puso a ver televisión, al caer la noche se vistió y dijo ya regreso, como de costumbre salio y regreso al pasar aproximadamente 2 horas, nos fuimos a dormir, pues para mis hermanos y yo era un día normal y no sabíamos por lo que pasaríamos.

My younger sister's father, my stepfather at that time, came home as usual, he bathed, ate and started to watch TV, at nightfall he got dressed and said he would be right back, as usual he left and came back after about 2 hours, we went to sleep, because for my brothers and I it was a normal day and we did not know what we would go through.

Solo recuerdo un grito fuerte de mi madre, mi hermanito y yo nos despertamos y fuimos corriendo al cuarto, encontramos a mi madre bañada en sangre, y ese señor con un martillo en manos, empezamos a gritar muy duro, llamando a mi abuela, recuerdo que tenia 11 años, mi abuela abrió su casa y llego, mi tío quien tiene mi edad , también un chico en ese entonces tumbo nuestra puerta y entro, al entrar a la habitación encontró a mi madre desmayada y el inhumano de nuestro padrastro golpeándola aun mas, mi tío saco fuerza sobre humana y se le fue encima, le quito el martillo y lo saco de la casa, nosotros no supimos mas de el, mi abuela entro llorando al ver a mi mama así, mi hermanito salio corriendo a buscar ayuda y yo muy nerviosa.

I only remember a loud scream from my mother, my little brother and I woke up and went running to the room, we found my mother bathed in blood, and that man with a hammer in his hands, we started screaming very hard, calling my grandmother, I remember I was 11 years old, my grandmother opened her house and arrived, my uncle who is my age, also a boy at that time knocked down our door and entered, When he entered the room he found my mother fainted and our inhuman stepfather beating her even more, my uncle took out his superhuman strength and went over her, took the hammer from her and took him out of the house, we never heard from him again, my grandmother came in crying when she saw my mother like that, my little brother ran out to look for help and I was very nervous.

Al llegar los vecinos socorrieron a mi madre y la llevaron al hospital, por otro lado a mi tío lo encontraron en el fondo de la casa y a mi padrastro tirado en el piso, con varias puñaladas en el cuerpo, ya imaginaran lo que paso, fue un día horrible que no olvidare nunca al igual que a ese chico de mi edad que era mi tío, quien se arriesgo a todo por proteger a su hermana y de quien estoy y estaré agradecida siempre, el tuvo que pasar por mucho después de eso.

When the neighbors arrived they helped my mother and took her to the hospital, on the other hand they found my uncle at the back of the house and my stepfather lying on the floor, with several stab wounds in his body, you can imagine what happened, it was a horrible day that I will never forget as well as that boy of my age who was my uncle, who risked everything to protect his sister and to whom I am and will always be grateful, he had to go through a lot after that.

Mi padrastro estando preso, dijo que mi tío lo había apuñalado varias veces, y el siendo un niño se lo llevaron detenido por varios días, muchos psicólogos lo interrogaban y siempre llegaban a la misma conclusión, mi tío hizo eso en defensa propia, y gracias a Dios que no era un adulto, ese señor sigue vivo por que de haber sido diferente ninguna de esas apuñaladas hubieran sido superficiales. Creo que es algo que nunca olvidaremos.

My stepfather was in prison, he said that my uncle had stabbed him several times, and being a child he was taken to jail for several days, many psychologists interrogated him and always came to the same conclusion, my uncle did that in self-defense, and thank God he was not an adult, that man is still alive because if it had been different none of those stab wounds would have been superficial. I think it is something we will never forget.

Ninguna mujer debe dejar nunca que un hombre imponga su poder encima de ella, hay leyes y autoridades que nos protegen, lo mas triste es que creo que el temor es el peor enemigo, por eso debemos ser fuertes, y aprender que el temor forma carácter y todos esos temores se deben superar.

No woman should ever let a man impose his power over her, there are laws and authorities that protect us, the saddest thing is that I believe that fear is the worst enemy, so we must be strong, and learn that fear forms character and all those fears must be overcome.

Thank you for reading

I look forward to your comments and suggestions... All are welcome and will motivate me to be a better content creator and to become a contributing member of the community.
Image made with Canva and translation made with Deepl.


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