[ESP-ENG] Blogging Challenge Second Part - Day 5, Best advice ever received | Día 5, El mejor consejo jamás recibido

Nosotros tenemos un refrán acá que nos lo dicen mucho cuando somos jóvenes "agarra consejo pa que llegues a viejo", tienen mucha razón esas sabias palabras, hoy en mi día 5 de esta segunda parte del #BloggingChallenge, mes toca contarles sobre el mejor consejo que recibí en mi vida.

We have a saying here that we say a lot when we are young "get advice so you can grow old", those wise words are right, today on my day 5 of this second part of the #BloggingChallenge, it's my turn to tell you about the best advice I received in my life.


Este consejo lo recibí hace mucho, fue una sabia mujer que ha sido golpeada incontables veces por la vida, quien me hizo ese regalo, mi madre, un día me dijo "Nadie da nada sin esperar nada a cambio", palabras sabias que comprendí unos años después, en la vida nada es de gratis, y cuando lo es, hay algo de fondo que nos perjudicara.

I received this advice a long time ago, it was a wise woman who has been hit countless times by life, who gave me that gift, my mother, one day she told me "Nobody gives anything without expecting anything in return", wise words that I understood a few years later, in life nothing is for free, and when it is, there is something in the background that will harm us.

Debo recordar que esas palabras me las dijo antes de entrar a la universidad, ella quería protegerme de las personas con las que me toparía en la vida, quizás me lo dio para evitar que yo pasara por las cosas que paso, teniendo en cuenta su vida y cuanto había sufrido.

I must remember that she told me those words before I entered college, she wanted to protect me from the people I would encounter in life, maybe she gave it to me to prevent me from going through the things I went through, considering her life and how much she had suffered.

Me tope con muchas personas en la universidad, no puedo decir que todas buenas o todas malas, pero si había de parte y parte, tuve muchos pretendientes, los cuales rechace debido a ese consejo, muchos querían regalar el cielo y la luna, ofreciendo regalos costosos, pero esperando algo a cambio, que no estaba dispuesta a intercambiar.

I ran into many people in college, I can't say all good or all bad, but I had many suitors, which I rejected because of that advice, many wanted to give away the sky and the moon, offering expensive gifts, but expecting something in return, which I was not willing to exchange.

No digo que todos fueron iguales, si conocí personas sinceras, amigos que compartían hasta el almuerzo en momentos difíciles, pero fueron escasos y los atesoro, por eso para mi fue bueno tomar esas palabras sabias y tenerlas siempre presente, todos debemos ser independientes, no dejar que otros vengan a resolvernos la vida, por que a veces el precio es alto, he escuchado muchas historias de mis amigas quienes se fueron del pais, consiguieron hombres que les ofrecieron todo, e incluso les dieron todo, pero cuando ya formaban un hogar solo recibieron malos tratos y hasta golpes.

I am not saying that they were all the same, if I met sincere people, friends who shared even lunch in difficult times, but they were scarce and I treasure them, so for me it was good to take those wise words and always keep them in mind, we should all be independent, not let others come to solve our lives, because sometimes the price is high, I have heard many stories of my friends who left the country, they got men who offered them everything, and even gave them everything, but when they formed a home they only received abuse and even beatings.

Quizás si ellas hubieran tenido en cuenta esas palabras no hubieran pasado por eso, yo no puedo decir que tuve un matrimonio excelente, también lleve del bueno, sufrí mucho hasta el momento que decidí dejar de sufrir por alguien que no me valoraba, pero en el momento que di el paso de separarme, todo ese esfuerzo, estudios y buena educación por parte de mi madre, me han dado estabilidad, emocional y económica.

Maybe if they had taken those words into account they would not have gone through that, I can not say that I had an excellent marriage, I also had a good one, I suffered a lot until I decided to stop suffering for someone who did not value me, but at the time I took the step of separating, all that effort, studies and good education from my mother, have given me stability, emotional and economic.

Debemos recordar siempre que nuestros padres siempre quieren lo mejor para nosotros, por muy mal que suenen sus palabras, consejos o incluso regaños, todas esas cosas quizás las hacen para evitarnos pasar por momentos difíciles que ellos pasaron y no quieren que nosotros vivamos.

We must always remember that our parents always want the best for us, no matter how bad their words, advice or even scolding may sound, all those things may be done to avoid us going through difficult moments that they went through and do not want us to live through.

Thank you for reading

I look forward to your comments and suggestions... All are welcome and will motivate me to be a better content creator and to become a contributing member of the community.
Image made with Canva and translation made with Deepl.
