Wasteland 3 - Nueva INTRO y seguimos! Coop con Nayfull - Vol.2 Parte 2


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Si viniste de alguna de mis redes sociales y no tenés ni idea de que trata todo ésto:

Hive es una blockchain descentralizada donde básicamente puedes crear contenido y ver el contenido de otras personas, dicho material, si es de calidad y a la gente le gustó te votan como sería en una publicación clásica de Instragram. Pero ahí es donde comienza la magia y es que, en Hive. Los votos valen dinero, lo recibe tanto la persona que da el like como a quien se lo dieron y la misma Blockchain a su vez.

Dentro de Hive podés encontrar todo tipo de Comunidades, desde Gamers hasta diseñadores, inclusive hay gente haciendo ejercicio en la calle y subiendo contenido de eso!

Básicamente no tiene límites (más que los éticos, claramente algunas cosas no se pueden subir jaja). Cualquier duda que tengan pueden escribirme al privado y yo les cuento en detalle como funciona la plataforma y demás, esto solamente es un mini resumen :)

Dejo también el link para que puedan crear su propia cuenta, yo lo hice por medio de 3Speak: https://3speak.tv

Hola a todos, como podrán ver, tenemos una nueva introducción y está BUENÍSIMA! Todos los créditos para Nayfull. La verdad es que soy fanático de éste tipo de cosas, me gusta mucho el estilo retro.

Ésta es la segunda parte del capítulo anterior, me vi obligado a cortarlo en dos partes por el tamaño del archivo, ya a partir del Vol.3 estará solucionado el problema del brillo y a su vez, el video tendrá de calidad máxima 720p, de ésta manera me es posible subir todo junto.

Ya con ésta parte damos por finalizado el asentamiento en la sede central de los Rangers, es necesario tener la introducción al juego y a su historia para luego poder comprender que cosas irán sucediendo, en los siguientes capítulos ya si veremos más peleas :)

Espero que estén todos muy bien y gracias por ver mi contenido!

If you came from one of my social networks and have no idea what this is all about:

Hive is a decentralized blockchain where you can basically create content and view other people's content, said material, if it's of quality and people liked it, they vote for you as it would be in a classic Instagram post. But that's where the magic begins and that is, in Hive. Votes are worth money, they are received by both the person who gives the like and the person who gave it, and the same Blockchain in turn.

Within Hive you can find all kinds of Communities, from Gamers to designers, there are even people exercising in the street and uploading content from it!

It basically has no limits (other than ethical ones, clearly some things can't be uploaded haha). Any questions you have can write to me privately and I'll tell you in detail how the platform works and so on, this is just a mini summary :)

I also leave the link so you can create your own account, I did it through 3Speak: https://3speak.tv

Hello everyone, as you can see, we have a new intro and it's GREAT! All credits to Nayfull. The truth is that I am a fan of this kind of thing, I really like the retro style.

This is the second part of the previous chapter, I was forced to cut it into two parts due to the size of the file, from Vol.3 the brightness problem will be solved and, in turn, the video will have a maximum quality of 720p, from this way it is possible for me to upload everything together.

Already with this part we end the settlement in the central headquarters of the Rangers, it is necessary to have the introduction to the game and its history to then be able to understand what things will be happening, in the following chapters we will see more fights :)

I hope you are all very well and thanks for watching my content!

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Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.


Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?