Fake news, sensationalism, and reality!



Nobody wants to bite the hand that feeds them! This is where cancel culture also comes into play. You see you can tell the truth and get demonetized, cancelled, and maligned. Who wants to be that guy? So I'm not ragging on anything in particular with this blog post. It's always do your own research. Don't bitch about your own bad plays and point the finger at someone or something else.

The green and red button are basically all you need to trade. Whether it's crypto's, stonks, or even the grocery store. We have the power to shop, buy, and sell. When someone is selling something on the interwebs it's generally for some kind of personal benefit. Of course people give warnings all of the time with written articles, youtube's, and tik toks. It's a belief system everyone is trying to sell. The point of view can be skewed with imbedded personal bias. Of course you all know this especially when reading my end of the world blogs.

The truth is that a train wreck can sometimes take a lot of time to materialize. When I was in the grocery store 2 years ago and everyone was getting 'free money', I just knew how inflationary this would be. So I stocked up on stuff only for it to draw out in incremental price increases. Some stuff has even expired! What a waste.

The pain will not stop, but will be incremental and slow. Being ahead of the curve doesn't always reflect present reality. So enjoy your wen and soon. It matters not. Look at the fundamentals but keep your impulsive behavior in check with present reality. Nobody is going to save you; only you.


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