Crypto for all to free yourself from traditional financing


Traditional financing is centralized and in countries with problems, it makes it impossible for the common people to be earning and lifting their life. But now everyone can benefit from the freedom and borderless intrinsic capabilities of cryptocurrencies which allows anyone to earn a living from anywhere. How? Choose a cryptocurrency that fits you better from which you can earn more value and gains by increasing it, trading it, DeFi on it or through content creation like on Hive, and whenever you need to exchange for real money you can do that through either centralized or even better, decentralized exchanges or DeFi. You just need an Internet connection, an open mind, and a willingness to thrive in the crypto space.


When used as a means of exchange, crypto can bridge economies and expand opportunities for the billions of unbanked. This is well proven with El Salvador or other countries accepting crypto and it will continue to expand everywhere through its decentralized nature. Some countries might try to stop it, but they will not fully succeed as it cannot be shut down through the network topology where nodes can pop up from everywhere.


And one great option for crypto for all is Hive blockchain. Not only that through content creation you earn Hive that you can power up for governance, but you can also earn Hive Dollars which you can deposit with one click into Savings and get a healthy 20% APR. With such returns, you can build up a financial future for yourself away from traditional finance.

There are so many crypto options out there, you simply need to pick one that suits you better if you find common core values within or follow others. But it is just a matter to start from somewhere and soon enough you will find yourself in a position to make decisions for your financial future by removing the middle man from the equation and getting its fees on your side. You will be impressed with the gains that you can obtain simply because crypto is for all and it frees you from traditional financial and intermediaries. So what are you waiting for? Just make your first step in this new financial world order!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm betting on stablecoins to get more adoption in the next couple of years than Bitcoin has done in its entire existence. The way I see it it is just a matter of time until VISA or Mastercard will make it possible to use stables around for payments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Crypto and blockchain have changed my life, not just financially but also in the way I view and interact with the world and it is free for all to use. There are no gatekeepers here. Everyone can explore as much as they want and in the process make life-changing money or connections.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
