避免不良消费习惯 // Avoid bad spending habit

The reason why some individuals have not been able to achieve any of their financial goals is because they have a bad spending habit , they are always spending more than they earn or spending more than they can afford..

For example , imagine someone who is earning less than $1000 in a month with monthly expenses of up to $700 , leaving him or her with savings of just $300.., and such person is buying a car worth of $30,000 minus the cost of maintainance...It means the person would have to literarily use all their monthly savings for up to ten years just because they want to buy a car ...owning a car is not something which is bad , but you should buy only what you can afford..

Breaking your 10 years life savings to buy a car is something which I consider as a bad decision..

Why go totally broke after buying a car?? And besides how will the person be able to maintain the car when they have spent all their life savings already to buy the car, so which money will they use to spend on the car maintenance??

This is just one of the examples of how bad spending habit can ruin the financial goals of a person, how it can make a person to experience anvery terrible bankruptcy...

If you want to experience financial freedom , then you really need to ensure that you have a good spending habit , bad spending habit would make you worse and not better...

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例如,假设某人一个月收入不到 1000 美元,而每月的开支高达 700 美元,而他或她只剩下 300 美元的积蓄……而这个人购买的汽车价值 30,000 美元减去维护成本。 ..这意味着这个人将不得不花掉他们所有的每月积蓄长达十年,只是因为他们想买车......拥有汽车并不是什么坏事,但你应该只买你能买得起的东西..

我认为花掉你 10 年的积蓄买车是一个糟糕的决定。



