

There have been long time argument about the proof of work and proof of stake as a consensus describe proof, I will say it's like a pudding in Bitcoin.the argument between proof of work and proof of stake has been a long term argument as to which is more superior to a Blockchain .so in this context ,I will be focusing on on the benefits of proof of work.

I will say proof of work is more less like the web3,it is a decentralized network in cryptos but in this context the focus is going to be basically on Bitcoin since Bitcoin is the pioneers I can say it was first introduce in require that everyone in the network should contribute to the computing power of the network to solve some difficulties which can hinder people or it's members from gaining control.if you ever wonder how you get rewarded for your mining activities in Bitcoin,it is through this difficult solving mathematical.problems that allows you to get rewarded for your mining because every transaction that takes place on the Blockchain has to be added before it finally get to the Blockchain.this is what proof of work is all about.

I think it will be cool if I say proof of stake is just like a twin brother to proof of work because it was created to serve as a kind of substitute for proof of work in validating transactions on the Blockchain.proof of stake use the validation method to validate crypto transaction for validator stake so instead of miners validating their work on the Blockchain it is don by validator stake.this I can say is what proof of stake is all about .but the question now is which of the two consensus mechanism Is better.
Without been told,the are meant to aid in smooth transaction that takes place in the network.this has to be done via node that helps in the verification of all the transactions that takes place in the if anode is able to validate a transaction it automatically get added to the Blockchain. But if you should look deeply into proof of work I can say that it is more superior to proof.of stake because it helps in validating and securing transaction on the blockchain .there several advantages proof of power has over proof of stake.
Proof of work is very more protective in terms of security, earlier on I said proof of work to me is nothing but more less like web3 which is very open to every one and it's totally free and trusted with 100% trust record for its participant,it has also prove that no illegal activities can take place on the Blockchain, vulnerability is something associate some blockchain which has prone many blockchain to attacking and hacking but proof of work has proven itself to be resistant to attack of any kind this is because most of the people that uses the Blockchain their activities are been checked to ensure that the participants contribute to the progress of the Blockchain.this one advantage proof of work has proven to have over proof of stake because proof of stake is very very prone to attack.
Another area proof of work has been of advantages over proof of stake is in network ownership.the design of proof of work is more decentralized which means that no single entity has control over the Blockchain as everyone is meant to contribute to the progress of the blockchain but unlike it's twin brother that operates a centralize structure which give room for control of one single participant over seeing the activities of other participant thereby denying them of control on the in this type operation anybody with greater power can take control of the system in favour of himself which is very risky to others because it could end up jeopardizing the work of others on the Blockchain.proof of work has also stood the test of time.this year actually makes the 13th year of Bitcoin and since that time till now the network has remain untouchable,proof of stake is new to the world so it's still in its early stages of its life which is actually making it difficult to to understand the true nature of proof of stake.

Well for now this are the few advantages I can tell you that proof of work has exhibit over proof of stake,there are still many more advantages but for now I am stopping here.
