

Its no doubt that our contents and post are what give us the dollars we earn on hive via upvotes,but there is always variance from the way we earn because of the difference in the content of the post.without been told we know that the quality of post matters a lot when it come to hive,for you to attract strong upvotes your post contents most be strong enough to capture peoples attention.poor contents does or will never attract strong votes while good contents tend to get it all.

Making money on hive is not all about churning out post all the time,sometimes one quality post is good to go.normally people will definitely go through your post contents before giving their votes ,and once anyone read your post and is not making sense or relating to the topic,the person might end up not giving you any vote.good contents bring more engagement and we all know how important engagement is on hive .through engagement you expand or make your presence known on the hive platform and which inturns give you better upvotes.

Good content is a way of advertising yourself because once you are been know for written good post you automatically attract attention because everyone will find your contents interesting to read.Everyones goal on hive is all about the dollar and nothing more and that's why we keep making in this case, you must also know your audience, i.e the community you are posting your content to.

For instance if you are going to be talking about money ,cryptos and any other financial related issue you should know that your audiences are on leofinance which means you will be posting on the leofinance posting in any other community when taking about cryptos or financial related issues might ending not giving you low or no vote which will definitely affect what you are supposed to earn on that particular post.

The reasons why you see some people earn high when ever they make a post is not just because they have stayed long on the hive platform but because they make good content and when you read there post you will be astonished.its all about good content ,you can be here for years and yet you won't still be earning like others that are there the same time with you.

The quality of your contents matters even though the whole thing centers on building your network and making friends on the things you need to have in mind first is the quality of your content before making post and once your contents are tight enough every other thing follows.
