Continua... La Historia 23 de abril 2022: En un sueño! // Continued... The Story April 23, 2022: In a dream!



"Conservaba la imagen de su madre, un rostro firme pero lleno de lágrimas, grabada en su mente con hierro de marcar. El dolor de una despedida que anticipaba la muerte era para él como prolongar la fatalidad sin tener ningún respiro.
—Te prometo que volveré, sano y completo —dijo con gentileza.
—No prometas en vano, no ha regresado el primero con vida de esa maldita guerra —replicó la madre limpiando sus lágrimas.
El joven bajó la cabeza avergonzado, y al contemplar las manos envejecidas de su madre, aquellas manos que tanto trabajaran para darle un futuro a él y a sus hermanos, dijo con una renovada esperanza:
—Yo sí volveré, mamá."

He kept the image of his mother, a firm face but full of tears, engraved in his mind with branding iron. The pain of a farewell that anticipated death was for him like prolonging the fatality without any respite.
-I promise you that I will come back, whole and healthy," he said gently.
-Don't promise in vain, he has not returned the first one alive from that damned war," replied his mother, wiping away her tears.
The young man lowered his head in shame, and as he looked at his mother's aged hands, those hands that had worked so hard to give him and his brothers a future, he said with renewed hope:
"I will come back, mother."

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Cumplir esa promesa no era fácil, él sabía que estaba jugando con fuego; pero fue lo primero que se le ocurrió. Y viendo el estado de desesperación de su madre, no le quedó de otra que hacerle esa promesa para mitigar su angustia.

Keeping that promise was not easy, he knew he was playing with fire; but it was the first thing that came to his mind. And seeing the state of despair of his mother, he had no choice but to make her that promise to mitigate her anguish.


Cuando sé es joven se desconocen muchas cosas, la juventud es la etapa de la vida donde todo se ve color de rosa, donde todo parece fácil e irreal. Vivimos en una película de ciencia ficción, la mayoría del tiempo y era lo que este joven estaba viviendo; una historia fantástica.

When you are young you don't know many things, youth is the stage of life where everything looks rosy, where everything seems easy and unreal. We live in a science fiction movie, most of the time, and that is what this young man was living; a fantastic story.

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Todo lo que le estaba sucediendo era totalmente incontrololable, mucho humo, constantes detonaciones, muertes y heridos por doquier, explosiones a diestra y siniestra; pero él en su afán de cumplir su promesa entró en un largo letargo. Durante varias semanas estuvo feliz porque logró llegar a los brazos de su madre quien le curaba las heridas y lo consentía con todo el amor que solo una madre puede ofrecer.

Everything that was happening to him was totally uncontrollable, lots of smoke, constant detonations, deaths and injuries everywhere, explosions left and right; but he in his eagerness to fulfill his promise went into a long lethargy. For several weeks he was happy because he managed to reach the arms of his mother who healed his wounds and pampered him with all the love that only a mother can offer.

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Luego de varios días de recibir tantos cuidados fue despertado del coma en el que se encontraba; por las enfermeras voluntarias @mugueto2022 y @ayleenr producto de una invasión al fuerte al que pertenecía. Confundido por sus sueños y el dolor de sus heridas no comprendía mucho porque aún estaba en la guerra.

After several days of receiving so much care he was awakened from the coma by the volunteer nurses @mugueto2022 and @ayleenr in which he was; product of an invasion to the fort where he belonged. Confused by his dreams and the pain of his wounds he didn't really understand why he was still in the war.

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Este post fue escrito para partiipar en la iniciativa de Continua... La Historia 23 de abril 2022 aceptando la invitación de @tibaire.

This post was written to participate in the Continued... The Story April 23, 20222 initiative accepting @tibaire's invitation.

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I'll be waiting for you in my next post... Thank you for reading it.png

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Los separadores fueron editados en Canva
Traductot Deepl

The photo is from Pixabay
The dividers were edited in Canva
Traductot Deepl
