Why You Should Use dStor For Your Decentralized Storage Services?




dStor or 'Decentralized Storage' project is a fast and reliable decentalized application data storage service which unlike other centralized or IPFS/decentralized services is more resilient, cost-effective and tamper proof. This cloud storage project runs on the Telos Blockchain and without doubt possesses a model that happens to be very economic and works in the best interest of both customers as well as node operators.

dStor Was Invented on Goodblock?

Telos Blockchain is the new deal due to it's uniqueness and role played in the blockchain tech space. When it comes to blockchain governance, Telos is highest ranked. dStor was established at Goodblock, an advanced enteprise governance and decentralized storage platform resposible for creating and maintaining the Telos Blockchain original code.

Node Operators And User Benefits

Node operators get paid on this platform for providing storage capacity. Users can store their application data on a network of distributed computers globally.

If you are wondering where to store your application data, then dStor is definitely your best bet.

Get more familiar with dStor by checking out their official website: https://dstor.cloud

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