Hate is spread out of ignorance


Image source. Pixabay

Has anyone talked bad about another person to you? Among your click of friends, has anyone back bited your issues or have you done the same to others. We know where we fit in. But one thing I do tell people no matter what is knowing the truth about the info passed across

Rumours are carried by the enemies, spread by the ignorants and accepted by fools without enquiry

Many people have been wickrdly dealth with because of hate. People just come out with false info about another person and those that never dim it fit to know the truth castigate a good fellow ignorantly

When the former Egyptian President Anouar Sadate was assassinated and the killer was apprehended, the judge asked him why he killed him and he said he mudered him because he was "secular". And when the judge asked him the meaning of secular, his answer was "I don't know"

Really,, he didn't know the meaning. He just believed what they told him about him and he accepted the job to put an end to Sadate's life

Naguib Mahfouz (the late Egyptian writer) was stabbed by a man and when he was asked why, he said because of his novel "the children of our neighbourhood". And the most annoying part was that he didn't even know anything about the content of the novel. He never read the book

Oh! It seems I'm all on Egyptians today. Lol. It's just to bring out some facts

Another Egyptian writer Faraj Fara was killed by a terrorist and his claim was that he killed him because he was infidel, and when asked how he knew about his unfaithfulness, he answered "according to the book he wrote". But he has never read any of his books. In fact, he could neither read nor write

You see. They only believe what they were told and acted as directed because to them, it was the truth

Image source. Pixabay

Most of the people that hate you never know the real you. They only put you in that circle because of what they heard about you. And that's one of the highest level of ignorance you can ever think of. Knowledge never make you ignorant. It only makes you tolerant

Many people misbehave because they lack knowledge. Just know that a cup full of your haters knows nothing about you. If they do, they would bend at your feet for forgiveness. But the thing is "we cannot shout it out for people to know who we are. So since some people refuses to leave the circle of the ignorants, we leave them to think or believe what they hear about us and never give a damn. However, we should be careful because as slow as the chameleon walks carefully slow not to hurt the ground, predators are lurking to devour

Thanks for reading>
This is ckole the laughing gas
One love


Nice one, this is a common feature of humans, we pick and Conclude on people's issue words we heard and assumed them to be so. But like guy said, we can't use microphone to advertise our good side to them to know.


Yes, bro. We can't shout it out to people. Only those that would see would believe what they see. 👍
