I Got The World In My Hands : My Submission To Let's Make A Collage Contest Round 148


I Got The World In My Hands

The world is in my hands.
I have the right to do anything at my place
Anything that comes my mind and my way
No one can stop my decision

I got the world in my hands
The world full of evils
Evil the no one would comprehend
Evil that the saint are getting corrupt

The world is in my hands
The world full of sadness
The world sorrow has overtaken
Leaving the corrupt to overrule

The world is in my hands
The light is in me
The darkness reigns in me
The two dwell in me

The world is in my hands
It's difficult to chose a path to follow
Ahead is danger and not smiling
The choice to bring back happiness is in me.

pexels-photo-2403945 (2).jpeg
Keith Lobo

Lil Image by @edgarafernandezp


Lil Image by @seckorama

Lil image by @eve66

3DLAmCsuTe3ba2VJAE1ZhN2oVhekeqoshg9DUnSyUd2Cnt4YtUMpZp3sK6eorvaUNjqKGVJticdn9jYvLXDKjwWMFbSrhRMSEYLgTGq6GvDmZGVLB3CXKpERNM1MQDWh4m8ftJcJM1dzg55cSLYLkBL7WuSos9G (1).jpeg Original image downloaded from contest announcement post

The announcement post HERE
