Financial growth and womanizing, YOU CAN’T HAVE THEM BOTH.


I have heard people say ’’For now forget about women, focus on making money, when you are rich then women will come and you can have all the fun you want’’. Every time I hear these sentences, it leaves me with a sense of inconvenience and with a bothersome question.
When one becomes rich, isn’t it more dangerous to womanize??

Most people believe that when a man is not stable financially and in the stage where he still strives to secure a financial settlement, chasing after women is bad for his growth. This is actually true and totally agreeable, but the belief that when he finally gets rich he can start to pursue after women having no fear of rejection from women and expenses, I totally disagree on that.

It is dangerous for a man who has little or nothing to offer financially to womanize because he will find it difficult to grow from his poverty stage. However, it is more dangerous for a wealthy man to womanize, because he would be just a step away from his downfall.


I know a man who during his days was a source of envy to most of the people who knew him. He wasn’t only wealthy, he was famous and politically inclined. He rolled with the likes of commissioners, senators, governors, big enterprise owners and so on.

While he was still the talk of the town, clubbing, drinking and womanizing was his favorite things to do. Eventually he got so sick resulting from a disease he had gotten from one of the ladies he had slept with.

For over a decade, this man could not stand on his feet without someone else’s assistance. After continuously spending on his health for years, he began to recover gradually until he was pronounced dead. When he died, all that was left for his wife and children to inherit was a three bedroom flat rented apartment with white plastic chairs in the sitting-room (not even a sofa).

Getting rich is never a destination, it is only a pathway. No one ever says I want the limit of my wealth to be at one billion dollar or there about there is no limit to which a man wants his financial freedom. So if a man must get wealthier or at least remain at his level of wealth, he must ignore every potential force trying to pull him down, this in which womanizing is included.

       It is better for a man not to get wealthy than to be wealthy and go back to being poor.

In conclusion, Finding one good woman and staying faithful to her won’t do her more good than it would do you. Womanizing and financial growth are inversely proportional, you can’t have them both, you have to choose one.

#Thank you for your time.

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