Being Sarcastic all the Time Will Fail you, be Diplomatic in Your Approach to Life's Issues


One of the disadvantage of freedom of expression is always wanting to prove your points in every situation. But is proving your points all the time awful on its own. No! Standing for what's true is good but can you pay the price in an ever growing corrupt world.



Many have been killed for expressing themselves and standing for the truth because most didn't know how to present their case. What do I mean, not all approach in telling the truth is right, sometimes you just need to say it through parable to present it. For instance, how do I tell an armed man to his face about his wrong and ills in the society, without being shot?

At that point, what I need to do is to keep quiet. Many will say that it's better for a man to die for the truth, what then now happens when the society doesn't accept the truth.

In Nigeria where I come from, it's very difficult to tell a corrupt politicians how corrupt he is in public, he'll send assassins to kill you or his thugs will beat you to death. Diplomacy is needed in such situation to avoid becoming a fugitive in your father's land or completely lose your life.

Most women in our society have been abused physically and emotionally due to their inabilities to be diplomatic in relating to their spouse and fiance. This doesn't mean that I'm encouraging domestic violence at any point, but to present one's case one can add a little diplomacy in speech and install a coolant in the bodies of our spouse.

Do you know that quietness is a diplomatic tool in some situation! Sometimes, just little silence will heal the angry heart and immediately restore peace to the home and the society at large.

There are other means of presenting one's case rather than being too sarcastic in speech. Take life easily to avoid untimely death. For many have regretted their actions after being too raw in their speech. Apply diplomacy all the time, for it's a good weapon to use during angry situations.

Thanks and God bless.


The way we approached things will definitely be echoed back to ourselves. unless you are ready for the consequence and already have the nature of being sarcastic, it is always better to play safe and caring to diplomatic as you mention.
