Ethereum Price Will Go Much Higher Than Expected ! Technical Price And Market Analysis


The ethereum price looks pretty good i'm looking for the market in reserve coin to go higher in need to know where you're willing to lose in any position don't give that information to the chart
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He will take the price there take you out and then the market will reverse course and then you actually correct anywhere you expected the price to go but he took you out the way before the market went to where you wanted it to go.
We know where we're willing to take the loss at because we told you already for reserve you know 3,300 dollars the market price and reserve fell below our support line but we were still near that vicinity the proximity was close enough to where you could have said i'm gonna hold on just a little while longer.

Where the market price and reserve ethereum coin has held support previously we wasn't caught off guard when the price initially dropped i know many of you might say well you didn't get your prediction.

The market go the way. we expected to go but it has taken literally almost a whole month of august. the market today look how much profit building you'll be in just look .i'm not going to say exploded because you can see when reserve writes token it was just pretty much methodical every once in a while.

We saw the price go higher next day the price come down traded sideways a little bit but we were still trending higher in price excellent. we are no longer seeing this market price in reserve token traded within our lines.

We're just going to simply follow the market. we're just going to continue to track where price has gone because it gives us a lot of information as to where we're going to go in the future. what do you all see on this chart do you still suspect that the price and reserve coins is going to go higher.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
