Burned 182K Starbits 🎼 Joined 3rd Birthday Celebrations 🍰 & More On Rising Star Game


Lots of new changes in Rising Star 🌟

Let's start with Easter Bunny - sorry - Strummy Bunny! I tried getting this guy from packs. It didn't work out. I opened 12 packs. Read that post for a realistic look at what spending 100K Starbits does. You could get a lot luckier than me though.

Some folks end up with Legendary NFT at 1st pack. It's rare. But it happens. Others like me have to resort to..... perseverance 💪

Bought This NFT From Market


It was a good price. I don't actually regret buying 12 packs though. It helped with my stats. Even my Ego went down a but 😃

I've ben running Egg Hunt for some time. Had few nice NFTs. Then came other stuff. Lots of these adventures are made possible by Starbits Millionaire. It's nice to get out those rewards after few missions.


Music Promoter To Burn Starbits 🔥

I like good tokenomics. Not saying Rising Star has best. It's not made by experts on that. But devs know better than politicians and bureaucrats running countries. They've made it a fun game to keep inflation down.

It's partially working out. If you've got some Starbits collected try adding them & make few bids 👍

159K Burn.png

23K Burn.png

Make sure to have more than few Music Promoter missions. Else you won't get any Starpro. Look at these guys 👻

Music Promo.png

3rd Birthday 🎂🎂🎂 0.03 Starpro/Mission

It's so cool to even think we've come so far! How many Web 3 games even have that length? How many of them have improved over time. Lots of popular games like Axie Infinity are now only a shell of what they were. But we've got more cool releases coming up 😍

6 NFT.png

That's 1 For Each Music Lesson 🎶 🎹

I've collected some of them. Every time I do a lesson - I'll have better chance to get higher Skill points.

On top of all that there's chance for new EPIC level NFT. I just don't know what Epic drop rate is. I'm gonna have to ask devs for that. Wish me luck!

Play ▶️ Burn 🔥 Earn 💰 On Rising Star

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