FUD, and why I hate it


I think it is high time that I do a post about FUD, or as it is also known as fear, uncertainty and doubt. The definition of it says the following "usually evoked intentionally in order to put a competitor at a disadvantage". But is that really the whole story?

FUD and how it is used

As in the definition of FUD. It is used to put a competitor at a disadvantage. This is done by either targeting one of the there, two of them, or all of them. And what I mean by that is often it can be enough to simply target people's Fear, Uncertainty, or Doubt. I at least have rarely seen an action where someone properly manages to target and play off of all three of these.

But its practice can be assumed to be widespread in Crypto. As it is a term that you often come across all over the place. I myself have even been accused of spreading FUD in one of my posts about Celsius. There I was accused of being a person who had shorted the $CEL token and trying to gain an advantage by spreading FUD.

I am not really sure if I should take that accusation as an insult or a compliment. Thinking I have enough clout to influence enough, and/or people with enough influence. To have any effect on any crypto, less some a slightly bigger one like $CEL. And then to have something to take advantage of any FUD being spread by me. I guess I am leaning toward the complement side of things. =)

But this also brings me to the part of FUD I really hate.

How it is actually being used

I feel that in a similar way that "rugged pulled" is being thrown around in association with projects going under or performing badly. FUD has become one of the best weapons in the arsenal of the people that are operating in the great or even in the dark side of crypto.

And if you don't really have any clue as to what I am talking about. I percent Alex Mashinsky CEO of Celsius.


While I am not exactly sure if there ever were any issues with withdrawing crypto from Celsius before they shut down withdrawals. This is a classic example of how FUD is used to dispel any questions or concerns being raised.

Do you have any misgivings about a project, are you not sure things are on the up and up? Well if you ask anyone about it you just might get slapped with the al might FUD hammer. So get in line and stop spreading that FUD.

And in the case of Celsius, they themself have admitted that they were having financial issues as early as late 2021. So there definitely where room for legitimate misgivings about them and their practices.

Why do it like this?

Just because you got questions, are uncertain about things or have some legitimate fears about a project. This is not a reason for the project or its follower to start FUD-shaming people. Often I also find that questioning something. Everyone involved with it tends to defend the thing like it is their baby and we are there to kill it.

The time is now, join the Cult!

This is often because of things that are so hyped like many things in crypto are. People are almost like in a cult. And they see any question being raised as a personal attack on them. If you want to try and see how it works. You can go and spread some FUD about Richard Heart in one of the many places dedicated to his cult of personality. And by the way, that is not something I recommend you do.

Instead, why can´t the people involved in a project try and provide answers to any questions? Or try and help eliminate any uncertainties or fear? I would argue that would be so much more productive and make the internet so much of a nicer place to be on. But I guess it is much easier to just yell FUDer than actually try and be productive.

Anyway, that is enough of a rant from me. What is your thought on the whole FUD situation? Is it just being used to try and silence critics and legitimate concerns? Or have I simply missed all the proper FUD being thrown around? Please share your thoughts in the comment section down below. If you would like to support me and the content I make, please consider following me, reading my other posts, or why not do both instead.

See you on the interwebs!

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