IAAC - Day 107 Llano Courthouse


Today is Thursday, September 16th and I am happy to be alive.

This is the courthouse in the town just 20 miles from where I live. It is a small town and oversees the county governmental business. I enjoy going around the small towns and looking at the old buildings and court houses. They do not build them now days like they did back over 100 years ago.

The Federal District court takes place at this courthouse as well. I received a jury summons so I drove over to make sure I knew how to get there prior to the morning I was asked to show up for my civic duty. However I did not need to show up. I called the night before and my service had been cancelled.

Llano courthouse.PNG

I am taking part in the #IAmAliveChallenge. The 4 basic points to take part in the #IAmAliveChallenge are:

IAAC guidelines.png

For more information please refer to their guide at https://www.wearealiveand.social/hive-155221/@wearealive/we-are-alive-tribe-the-guide
