IAAC Post 235: Sunday for Church


Walking around where I live, it feels good to be alive in the land of the living.
Today being the third Sunday this year, I celebrated life in church, praised God for all the good things He's done for me.

Being alive reminds me of something, "Gratefulness".
One must be grateful to God at all times for all He's done for him/her.
I've got God, family and friends. To add to that, I've got good job that lifted me above the poverty line.
Yeah, life is easier that way.

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For being thankful, God made it in such a way that happiness flows like a river fore.
People have asked me in different tongues "what's your source of happiness?".
Mehn!, I say it's the Lord's doing.
Am just a pencil in his hands writing the colour that he loves.

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I celebrate grace with every blessed person.
God has already blessed us with something inside of us. All we need is to manifest it.
Working towards God's will makes things easier and achievable for anyone who sees the clear image of himself or herself.
We've got unique talents given to us by God. Why not work to it and not trying to be like someone else, just like role model players.

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Amidst the ups and downs encountered on dailies, try as much as possible to inspire someone.
To love means to be loved. It's like a two way sword that cuts both parties.
Am who I am today because I love and am loved.
Paying my visit to @flaxz health today. Sorry boss for the changes. Take some drugs to hasten your full recovery. You're very important to me.

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In all you do, try to get a unique skill. A skill that makes you to stand above your pairs.
Things are changing these days. Most popular jobs are getting very competitive. The more unique and professional you're, the better your chances of being honored in most places of work and the greater your opportunities to get more jobs. No time for end of the month salary kind of jobs.

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In all you do, try to eat some good foods.
Yeah, health is wealth. You can't work effectively and efficiently while you're sick 😷.
Don't be too serious in life. Make out time to give yourself a good treat.
You've got one life to live. So, live the good life.

Am Alive and Thriving

Stay safe


What a way to spend Sunday! Plus, you have some good advice here. We truly need to have special skills in this day. Certain industries were badly affected by the lockdowns and all and some folks were forced to find ways to keep earning despite it all.

Health is wealth. It's something we need to prioritize as well.
Have a fantastic week ahead!

Made in Canva


- @iamraincrystal - Moderator/Alive Video Master
This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #AliveAndThriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving.


That's for sure
Those skills mostly seen suffered losses during the lockdown, but she special skills enjoyed the whole show.
Thanks ma'am for visiting my post.
I really appreciate it.


Amazing post, great advice
Awesome job my friend
Keep being Unique buddy:)
