Monday morning work blues!


Today was rough. I stared at that door a good 15 minutes before I decided to walk into work.

For the most part I like my job. They work us hard and we get to see the company grow. The last year has been hard on the company but we are fighting through that.

I love the group of people I work with too. We have fun together and play a lot of ping pong.

All that being said, I still struggle to walk in on Mondays. My weekends are usually tons of fun and leave work behind.


I read once that you should love going to work on Mondays. I might to find a way to do that. 😂

I keep building on the side and I think someday I will be able to walk away from the corporate world. I used to think I would be able to do that by 2025. I’m guessing it will be a litte longer. I’ll keep pushing though.

A few projects that I’m growing slowly.

Crypto. Tough year so far.

Pickleball. Good early spring sales. Still growing.

Basketball cards. Slowing down a bunch but still making small gains.

Bee hives - starting small to figure it out. Hopefully grow in the future.

Looking to start something else this year too.


I feel your pain even though it's been a long time since I worked in the corporate world. Good that you have other projects you're working on and not just coming home and doing nothing else. You will get to the point where you can walk away. Don't give up. I didn't leave by choice I was fired because I didn't want to be a supervisor. I had no ambition or aspiration to manage people. I was forced into it and not long after that I my attitude changed and things went downhill. Of course at that time I didn't have anything else to keep me motivated. I know now I would do things differently.


That's cool that you play ping-pong with your co-workers. I used to play ping pong at summer camp growing up. Fun game, good times! Nice post man thanks for sharing some of your honest feelings, I can relate. Work blows! Yeah, one day we'll make it to real financial independence. I'm gonna check out that post you tagged me in like Wednesday at the latest! Thanks for being cool, Hive on sir.
