Investment Secure The future


There's this saying that goes:

You can't eat all of your cake and have it.

As a person, I have never thought of investment. I was one of those people who believed that if you spend all you have, another will come and vice versa, it was a lesson I learned from my elder brother when I was growing up. I never really thought of investing the little income I was getting, I always settled my stomach first. When I started to hear about investment from friends, It sounded strange, and felt like discomforting myself for the future I wasn't sure of. I started to gain more understanding about investment, and the future a few months after joining hive, at that time I had suffered a lot from wastage and lack.

To help increase my knowledge about investment, I attended a Christian seminar where issues of business was discussed and he mentioned a part of the bible that said:

Cast your breads on the water, and you'll find them after some time.


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The bread in this context was talking about our income and the water referred to investment or business. If our income was put into business, then there was a possibility that we would have interest in nthe long run. I started to read books on business and investments and I realized everyone who had grown to a higher height learned first to become an investor- They invested a certain resources or attitude that made them excel. It's only a man who have investments that has hope for the future. A farmer who had planted no seed has no prospect for harvest. Investment can be liken to a seed that's planted, and watered, it produce fruit just before the farmer goes into hunger.

Investment secure the future, it helps kill the fear of tomorrow and gives us a reason to believe in better days. Starting to invest was very difficult for someone like me who had no financial education, but starting on a small scale helped me become a bigger investor. Most times we are tempted to become unfaithful with our investment goals, life vicissitudes hits and our mind waver from our goals until the thoughts of the future begins to flood our head. To secure our money for the future, investment is the one key. There's a Chinese adage that says;

Yesterday was the first best time, Now is the second best time.

It's never too late to start investing, secure your future.


Investment is the solution to many financial problems.
I'll rather choose to invest than save.


Most people prefer savings because they fear taking risk


You're absolutely right that it is never too late
