Is Web 3.0 The Future Of The Internet?


Web3 is the third generation of the evolution of web technologies. The attractiveness of web 3.0 is that it is decentralized and doesn't require permission nor does it require trust as there is no intermediary for transactions to occur. Decentralized finance(Defi) is a component of web3 that's gaining steam. This allows the execution of real-world transactions on the Blockchain without the help of a bank or the government. Over time the web has evolved which is divided into three stages: Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0. The Web 1.0 is a read-only web. It was the earliest version of the world wide web, the participants were mostly content consumers while the makers were web developers who built websites with material delivery in text and graphics format. The Web 2.0 is known as the social web. One doesn't need to be a developer to participate in the creation process. Most apps are built on the web 2.0 version, one can share posts or thoughts with the world. Examples are Facebook, Instagram, flicker, etc. Some web technologies such as JavaScript allow companies to build ideas and give room for contribution. Many companies or individuals build an app and allow users to contribute while they make money as more ads are opened. Users had no control of their data in web 2.0 and the Government frequently intervened in some of the activities if they felt individuals offered opinions contrary to their opinions. They do this by shutting down the server. Web 3.0 came to rectify these flaws.

The Web 3.0 apps are built on Blockchain on a decentralized network of peers known as server. It uses artificial intelligence and machine intelligence to perform tasks like humans. Most of the web 3 heavily rely on cryptocurrency.

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Is Web 3.0 the future of the internet?

Web 3.0 is undoubtedly the future of the internet. Web 3.0 covers every aspect of life that people are afraid of. The decentralized future of the web 3.0 allows individuals to have control over their data without the need of a central authority like the web 2.0 where the government has control over it. It removes the distrust of intermediaries and offers opportunities to earn online. The Web 3.0 will improve not just the artificial intelligence of data processing but will enhance 3D graphics offering more futures. With the introduction of non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) and decentralized finance(DeFi). The Web 3.0 will make data ubiquitous, even though it's already available on the web 2.0 but maybe present data to be accessed in all locations with one click. The Web 3.0 will facilitate more data communication. Web 3.0 unlike Web 2.0 empowers individual users through trust, security, and privacy, uses 3D , uses artificial intelligence, machine intelligence and decentralized protocols as their driving technologies, entities have ownership over their data and make use of smart applications. All these features and more makes Web 3.0 a potential future of the internet

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