The challenges with web 3


Web3 had evolved into a movement over time that envisioned a new era of the internet, with a focus on decentralization. The major aim of the web3 is to populate the internet with user-owned economies, allowing it to understand data in a human-like manner. However, there are a few challenges it is facing and I'll be discussing a few of them.

To make the web3 usable espoused to crypto assets, NFTs , Defi, smart contracts, and metaverse, web3 has to join a centralized platform to run their servers. Most web3 protocols are slow and have to depend on a centralized platform to iterate faster. So-called decentralized protocols and applications are based on centralized infrastructure, which makes them hardly a competitor for a new decentralized internet.


Designed using canvas and the web icon is a sticker from the app

Poor UX and UI(user experience and user interface)
These two features are largely lacking when it comes to web3 applications. Unlike the web3, web2 has excelled in delivering UX and UI to their users, an area in which web3 had not fared well mainly because there's a compromise between convenience, decentralization, and security. Because of its believe that the more it convenience, the less it is secure. Web3 being in its inning, currently focuses on building it first solution that function more like proof-of-concept. However, little or no attention is given to how users interact, making it difficult for users to completely understand how it works.

Scalability has proven to be a big issue for Blockchain technology. The scalability trilemma states that, out of the core concept of a Blockchain, which are the security, scalability, and decentralization, only two of these can be met by a public Blockchain at once. However, many web3 protocols had compromised security and decentralization while prioritizing scalability. This will enable the Blockchain to run faster and at a low-cost but this approach leads back to centralization.

Finally, web3 applications may not be accessible with less advanced gadgets.

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