
Hello house. This is another day with it's perculiar dealing. My life experience today was another thing else. I went out today looking for money to buy food. I stayed in my shop hours with out seeing any costomer. All of a surden one girl came to my shop, with joy and hope I rushed to her to get money from her so that I can use the money for my breakfast. To my surprise she was just asking for some one I didn't know.

After she left, another person came, I rushed her again this time she indeed came to photocopy some documents, with joy I collected the documents to photocopy, then she asked me if I Will collect the old corency. I refused because according to the government order yesterday was the dead line of using it. I said to her don't you know that by today this money is invalid. She didn't say anything and left with her documents.

By this time hunger have started disturbing me. Another person came, I thought within me that help has come. And after working for him I will just go straight to the restaurant and eat food. I went close looking at his hand I saw him holding the old corency, I said to him I hope you are not going to pay me with the old corency, and that we don't collect old corency any more, he said to me that he went to withdraw money in the bank through ATM and that was what the mashine paid me with. I refused to collect. He also went away with the work.

This time it was about some minutes to 12noon. I became so hungry and one futunate thing is that my shop is close to a restaurant. Imagine someone who is hungry close to restaurant. You can always see people eating deferents varittes of food, not only that the aromer coming to you always.

As I keep seeing and perceiving it my hunger became times two. Then came the fourth person this time I didn't ask whether it's old or new corency, I rushed her collect the documents and photocopy them, she then paid me with the old corency that I have been rejecting. This time I didn't say anything as I collected the old corency After she left I went to the restaurant and asked them to put food for me. After eating ready to face whatever may come because of the old corency that was with me. As removed the old corency and gave them to my surprise they didn't say anything as they collect the old corency. Yes we are alive today no matter what we face day to day.
