Ladies of Hive Community Contest #98 [En-Es] My house in nature


Hello dear friends, in this week's contest there are three interesting questions authored by @brittandjosie. There are actually two questions and the first is divided into two.
The second question is about an event to be held in the Netherlands. The second part of the first deals with wardrobe changes for the coming fall.
Since I live in Venezuela, which is a tropical country, and we don't have four seasons but two I will only respond to question number 1.

Hola queridas amigas, en el concurso de esta semana se plantean tres cuestiones interesantes escritas por @brittandjosie . En realidad son dos preguntas y la primera está dividida en dos.
La segunda pregunta trata de un evento a celebrarse en Holanda. La segunda parte de la primera trata sobre cambios de guardarropa para el venidero otoño.
Como yo vivo en Venezuela, que es un país tropical, y no tenemos cuatro estaciones sino dos, solo responderé al planteamiento numero 1.

FxX5caie56yoXoGCCgZvo2HjgcUgMTMcgvDk2qt3Ce8paT9dHsD9QtyRxFTUCBthNfULtog9Qx99yVJJsfkbtk6QoK69vHPhAjP9kuE3Lwci (1).png

My luxury fantasy house, with all my wishes and its surroundings, if money weren't an issue.

Mi casa de fantasía de lujo, con todos mis deseos y sus alrededores, si el dinero no fuera un problema.


My fantastic luxury home would be situated on a cool, tropical, wooded hill within walking distance to the sea, or biking. With neighbors no less than 50 meters away, lots of vegetation and safe for everyone, especially children, young people and the elderly. With water, electricity and internet services. Better if it has non-polluting renewable energy sources. With paved streets that facilitate safe access and allow traffic to go in and out and carry out study, work or recreational activities. It must be close to the city, but where the air polluted by traffic and industries is not perceived. With enough outdoor space for gardening and horticultural activities. That each room has a balcony and there is a pool to swim and cool off on the hottest days. But, above all, make it a real home for the whole family.
In this collage I show you just some of the things that I would love to have in my house. Hope you like

Mi casa de lujo fantástica estaría situada en una colina boscosa, tropical, fresca, desde la que se pueda caminar al mar, o ir en bicicleta. Con vecinos a no menos de 50 metros, mucha vegetación y que sea segura para todos, sobre todo para niños, jóvenes y ancianos. Con servicios de agua, luz e internet. Mejor si cuenta con fuentes de energía renovable no contaminante. Con calles pavimentadas que faciliten el acceso seguro y permitan el tránsito para salir y entrar y cumplir con actividades de estudio, trabajo o recreativas. Debe estar cercano a la ciudad, pero donde no se perciba el aire contaminado por el tráfico y las industrias. Con suficiente espacio exterior para actividades de jardinería y horticultura. Que cada habitación cuente con balcón y haya una piscina para nadar y refrescarse en los días más calurosos. Pero, sobre todo que sea un verdadero hogar para toda la familia.
En este collage les muestro solo algunas de las cosas que amaría tener en mi casa. Espero que les guste.

collage con corazones.jpg
Collage made with/ Collage hecho con: Canva y Paint.

That is the description of my ideal house in the hypothetical situation of living near the sea. We actually live about an hour and a half from the coast and this is where we're building it.
Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my post.

Esa es la descripción de mi casa ideal en la situación hipotética de vivir cerca del mar. En realidad vivimos aproximadamente a hora y media de la costa y aquí es donde estamos construyendola.
Muchas gracias por detenerse y leer mi publicación.

Gif made with / Gif hecho con Canva
Translated with / Traducido con Google translator.

The first and second photo were taken by myself, with my Xiaomi Redmi 9C smartphone.
The purple separators are courtesy of @ikasumanera for free use by HIVE users.

*La primera y segunda foto fueron tomadas por mi misma, con mi teléfono inteligente Redmi 9C de Xiaomi.

Los separadores color púrpura son cortesía de @ikasumanera para libre uso de los usuarios de HIVE.*


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@elentogether, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.


Hmmm i dint always like living too close to water because of the cold.. but taking a walk in the morning with the fresh air of the atmosphere isn't such a bad idea.


Hello @fredaig, in the coastal towns of my country it is rarely cold. On the contrary, it is so hot sometimes that just enjoying the sea breeze or diving into the water can relieve it.


Absolutely lovely @elentogether! I really like that you highlighted that you want the power sources to be sustainable, that would be very important in my dream home as well! Also, seconded on being near the ocean, falling asleep to the sound of waves every night would be heaven :) Thank you for sharing your vision!


Very nice, i thank you for participating and making the collage



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