My entry to the Ladies of Hive Contest #87: [En-Es] Fairies, Elves and Beans



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Hello dear friends of LadiesofHive.
This week the challenge invites you to answer one of two questions. I will try to answer both briefly since both seem interesting to me.

1️⃣ What mythical creature do you wish actually existed?

As a Christian I should not believe in mythical or magical beings. However, sometimes I wonder if there really are those little ones who take care of nature, those that in some cultures are called "elfs", and that metaphysicians call "elementals".
Just in case those beings that have inspired fairy tales and cartoons really live in our gardens, I think carefully before cutting or moving any plant. It would be cool if these protectors existed, so that the advance of "civilization" does not continue to do so much damage to the environment.

Imagen de Willgard Krause en Pixabay

Hola queridas amigas de LadiesofHive.
Esta semana el reto invita a responder una de dos preguntas. Trataré de responder ambas brevemente ya que las dos me parecen interesantes.

1️⃣ ¿Qué criatura mítica te gustaría que existiera de verdad?

Como cristiana no debería creer en seres míticos o mágicos. Sin embargo a veces me pregunto si en verdad existen esos pequeños que cuidan la naturaleza, los que en algunas culturas llaman "duendes", y que los metafísicos llaman "elementales".
Por si acaso de verdad en nuestros jardines viven esos seres que han inspirado cuentos de hadas y dibujos animados, pienso bien antes de cortar o cambiar de lugar alguna planta. Sería chévere si existieran esos protectores, para que el avance de la "civilización" no siga haciendo tanto daño al ambiente.

IMG_20210717_103615 (1).jpg

2️⃣ What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
Beans with sugar

The typical dish of my country is the Creole pavilion. It consists of rice, beans (black beans), shredded meat and tajadas (ripe plantains cut lengthwise and fried). Some people add fried egg, avocado and grated white cheese. It is very tasty and depends on the seasoning that we give to the stew of meat and beans.
When there are leftover beans I like to reheat and eat them with sugar as if they were dessert. That is very rare to many people , but I love it.

Imagen de Diana Yanes en Pixabay

2️⃣ ¿Qué combinaciones extrañas de comida realmente disfrutas?
Caraotas con azúcar

El plato típico de mi país es el pabellón criollo. Consta de arroz, caraotas (frijoles negros), carne mechada y tajadas (plátanos maduros cortados longitudinalmente y fritos). Algunas personas le agregan huevo frito, aguacate y queso blanco rallado. Es muy sabroso y depende de la sazón que le demos al guiso de la carne y las caraotas.
Cuando sobran caraotas me gusta calentarlas y comerlas con azúcar como si fueran postre. Eso para muchas personas es muy raro, pero a mí me encanta.


Thank you

Thank you very much ladies for your attention, I hope my preference does not seem so strange to you.
I invite my daughter @nataliaeline, so that she can participate in this beautiful challenge.
The first, fourth and sixth photos were taken by myself, with my Redmi Xiaomi 9C.
Translated with Google.

Muchas gracias damas por su atención, espero que no les parezca tan rara mi preferencia.
Invito a mi hija @nataliaeline, para que participe en este bonito reto.
La primera, cuarta y sexta fotos fueron tomadas por mí misma, con mi Redmi Xiaomi 9C.
Traducido con Google.

Gif made with/hecho con Canva


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 110 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


You received 2 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest!

We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hold LOH tokens over a long period of time


You are so thoughtful when you are being careful on moving any plant on your garden :) And if there are ever "elementals" living among us, at least we aren't harming any of them💗

And your food combo sounds tasty :)

Good luck to you on the contest😍


Hi @ifarmgirl, thanks.
Once, living in another house, we were cutting the lawn with a brushcutter, I heard a noise and I thought it was a distorted sound from the noise of the machine. I've heard it a few times since. Sometimes I have wondered if it is not those spiritual beings who are alarmed by what we are doing 🤔


Maybe :) I also heard stories from others hearing something out of the blue. Scary when we think about it but I guess if we aren't harming them then we are okay hehe


Yes, we have to do everything carefully just in case. And ask for forgiveness when we carelessly exceed 🙂


That's right :) When I was young, I often heard my grandma say "excuse me" when clearing out things in the bushes. I wasn't sure why but I guess I understand now :)


That is such a interesting and beautiful thought Guardians of the plants and garden I am one who LOVES my garden and flowers, and the thought of elfs or other magical character Guardian my garden and look after my flowers... I never thought of it that way but LOVE that idea... So warm hearted idea 💕

And about the dish and add sugar, never heard of it but good thing you found a delicious mix 😉👍

Thank you for sharing and Good luck.


Thank you @saffisara!. The truth is that I'm not sure they exist but taking into account experiences lived by other people and how sometimes plants and animals behave, probably yes. In any case Jesus is still greater than all 🙂.
