Climbing the Pyramid of Fandom - Give them a Name



Hello everyone!

To check the previous chapters about Superfans I have the links at the end!

Today I'm in-depth on Chapter 11 - Give them a Name!


When fans get together to support the thing they love, it can be a powerful force that can change the fate of that thing. (...) A name may seem like a simple thing, but it's really powerful. When you're a member of a community with a name, you have an identity as part of a group that rallies around the brand or artist and is even willing to fight for a common goal.

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Some of you know that I do enjoy mix up and/or inventing new words for something 😋

I was so excited when Fire-Pay was launched where I could buy products and services with the CTP token that I would call that "fireshopping"! Another word that came up eventually because of the word "fire" I connected to "fireball". That word exists I know BUT it came up in handy later on when I threw a big contest to promote CTP Blueprint and give away prizes to people, which I called the "Fireball event". People started to use Fire-Pay even more and the community grew to be the "Fireballers". It's now a role within the CTP Discord.

It's a great way to strengthen the identity of your fanbase and give people something to rally around. Sometimes people will come up with a name on their own but there's a good chance you'll have to be the one to establish a name and use until it becomes second nature for everyone. A community that has a name has no excuse not to get together in a close-knit setting.

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When Hive forked for the first time to have the name it has today, many people of the community was trying to come up with a name for themselves: Hivers, Hivians, I would sometimes call everyone reading my posts "busy bees", and so on.


Can't remember how or who came up with but Jon wanted something for our CTP community besides tribe. The "CTP Swarm" rang many bells!


All this helps cement the definition of community, making the relationships even stronger!

Thank you so much for reading!
See you next time!



Previous Superfans Chapters:

Casual Audience to Active Audience

1 - Learn the Lyrics
2 - Breaking the Ice
3 - Create Quick Wins
4 - Drive the DeLorean
5 - Return Every Handshake

Active Audience to Connected Community

6 - Let Them Take a Shot
7 - Let Them Decide

8 - Create a Challenge

9 - Open the Factory Doors

10 - Stage a Gig

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Our Discord
Our Community Frontend
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Our Platforms

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Our Tokens

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Vote for our Witnesses

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