Between mountains 4620 meters above sea level, in the Venezuelan Andes, in the Pico Pan de Azúcar.



Route that begins at the end of the Andean road to the paramo la Culata, where it opens to walk by land trails enjoying the beautiful scenery that the paramo Sierra la Culata allows us to appreciate, a journey that is complicated at every step, The route is very rewarding because the Sierra la Culata is very famous for the beauty of its landscapes, which implies falling in love with its beautiful flora with its splendor frailejón adorned with the yellow flower and the famous coloradito tree, Although the journey to the top of the mountain is always longer than you think, it is a very rewarding journey because at the end of it and being at the maximum height of 4620 MSNM you will observe the 4 cardinal points and you will find yourself to the east with the Sierra Nevada, observing the famous and indomitable Humboldt Peak, to the north the road the valley of Mifafi with frailejones of more than 3 meters high, to the west the Maracaibo Lake and its beautiful plains and to the south the city of Merida.

The photo is my property and I used the translator deelp since my language is Spanish.

