
These is one of the very interesting questions that really got me the very first day I saw, and am like wow, we really need to come back home and reflect on very delicate issues such as these, and here’s why

We live in the 21 first century were almost everything is digitalized technology is taking over everything we associate with, were it really got me is even in churches the act of projecting scriptures on screen ? What’s the effect of this on believer do they still have the time to open their bible? And what’s the effect of having bible on our electronic devices, do believer still find the time to study? or are we been driven by the waves of technology, not been grounded and rooted in scriptures, cause I think the faster things are the easier we forget them as times passes



For example social media is really eaten deep into the fabric of our been such that families no longer spend quality time together were they could seat and talk laugh gist and get to know each other well, but it is each man facing his device and spending more time there

One must be very careful in finding a proper balance between this spirituality and the place of technology in our lives because the two are somewhat needful and they have their role to play in shaping our daily lives and so the question is


First of all technology arise out of the place man craving for a better life, man was curios how to make things easier and simpler how to grow and develop from one stage to another, these thoughts gave rise to what we call technology, men began to assemble machines that will assist him in carrying out his daily task as they were becoming too burdensome

Technology is man engaging his creative side in solving life’s problem providing solution in making living much better…
Basically almost everyone today somehow is grateful to the aid of technology, how it has so transform life from the analog system to the digital era where we are in, you see to better understand this let see it from the perspective of driving a manual car, were you get to do all the work while in motion, but the opposite is the case when you are driving an automatic car, were the car get to do all the work while you just relax and take little or no control as there is even room for auto drive in latest vehicles.

You can now seat at the comfort of your home talk, negotiate business and make transactions indifferent part of the globe without stress, compare this to the 18th and 19th century , the true essence of technology is to make live better and easier improvising on some of the task we could have done, imagine how it would be if all the industrial heavy machines were not available for productions construction and manufacturing of some product and service we now enjoy almost at the tip of our fingers,

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Check this out if there were no automobile, no telephones telecommunications, aircraft, ships, textile industries and many others, imagine having to work for everything you now consume and own technology has played a great role in our lives and it has gone a long way to shape our lives and influence what we do and how we act


Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense of believe that there is something greater than myself something more to being a human than sensory experience and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature, SPIRITUALITY means knowing that our live has significance in a context beyond mundane everyday existence at the level of biological needs that drives selfishness and aggression. It means knowing that we are a significant part of a purposeful unfolding of our life in our universe, and how we can connect to this abstract personality that we have, connecting to our true essence as beings on earth

SPIRITUALITY involves exploring certain universal themes such as love compassion, life after death, wisdom and truth with the knowledge that people such as saint or enlightened individual have achieved and manifested higher levels of development than the ordinary person and aspiring to manifest such high level of often require intense dedicated time, commitment and personal self discipline to connect to the one that is true in all things thru which certain mystery about life is reveal and we gain guidance..

Spirituality is to the spirit realm while technology is to the physical realm, now, basically everything there is, we see,. Feel and touch is in existence in the spiritual realm, it should be noted that spirituality birthed and supersedes the physical realm, so for a believer or an individual to find a balance between this two he or she must understand their relevance and place value in their life’s, since the spiritual aspect supersedes the physical one must engage more of the spiritual than the physical so as to understand how things work in this world there should be that proper balance …


From the very beginning God is a creative God, and he reproduce these gene in man, so naturally man has these ability to be creative, and creativity comes in the face of difficulty when there is a need for a solution to a problem confronting us our instincts will trigger us to think and provide solution to that instead of backing down and given up on the beautiful life God created , these is how technology came to be, but still man must not wonder off the original plan by the creator by allowing the influence of technology to replace the God in his life, since man is created in the image of God he can only function optimally in the capacity of he who made him,…..


