Discover with me the value of HBD and how is the economy of my country (ENG/ESP)


Discover with me the value of HBD and how is the economy of my country, explained in easy words from the point of view of a teenager

Descubre conmigo el valor del HBD y como es la economía de mi país, explicado con palabras fáciles desde el punto de vista de un adolescente


This image is my own and was edited by me using PowerPoint, the figure was drawn by me on the tablet using the drawing program SketchBook.



The value of HBD

Hello dear @LeoFinance pack, one of the hive communities that I like the most for their contest challenges, they force me to study and learn new things.

As you know I am new to Hive, and since my first steps I wanted to join the pack as a little cub #NewLion, for that I had to study a lot, and learn new things about the world of cryptocurrencies.

This post is quite a challenge for me, because as I think, to make it worthy of portal , I have to do something much better than just taking some pictures in the supermarket, I have to study and explain something about economy and family budget from the point of view of a teenager who still does not produce his own money.

But what I can do, is interview my parents, and try to convey with my words my vision of how the economy, devaluation, and purchasing power directly affect me. Wow what complicated terms, but if I name them here is because I already study about them to be able to explain it.

First of all, as my goal is that anyone who reads this will understand me, I cannot use difficult words, I want that if another young person reads this he/she may be interested in learning why HBD is so important in my current life, and of course it is something I learned very recently.


This image is my own and was edited by me using PowerPoint

What is the HBD?

From my point of view, the HBD is a digital currency of global exchange, which has a value or a price, as you want to call it, that will always be close to the dollar, that is, its value is stable, it does not change abruptly like other cryptocurrencies.

We could say that the HBD is the BlockChain version of the USDT currency, but with the advantages of being managed in a decentralized network.

Now I'm sure you're wondering like me:

Why is it an advantage that HBD is decentralized?

Well, it's very simple, the support and approvals are given by a blockchain, not by an omnipotent regulator that at whim can regulate or control your money, even take it away from you. That's why HBD is safer from an investor's point of view.


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Ok, now let's talk about my country and my city,

As you know, I live in the city of Caracas, Venezuela. For those who do not know, that is in South America. In my country the economy has many problems, so many that due to the phenomenon of inflation, we have already changed currency several times in less than 2 years because the amount of zeros no longer change on the bills, because of how little they were worth.

Just to give you an idea of how terrible this is, if I wanted to buy a donut or doughnut for snack at the school canteen in 2021, which cost about $1, I had to carry its equivalent in Bolivares Soberanos, that was something like 5,035,381 and to pay that I had to carry about 80 bills, I know it sounds strange, but yes, the currency was worth so little that to pay for something so simple you must have the money in the school backpack instead of in your pockets.

As I told you they have already changed the bills several times to eliminate the zeros, there are already 14 zeros that have been removed, so that you understand how little money is worth in my country, if we had all the zeros one dollar (1USD) would cost Bs. 500,000,000,000,000.

Well, I hope you understand up to this point, now I am going to tell you something even sadder, and that is the fact that my family has become so poor that practically everything that my father and mother produce with their work, is spent on buying the little amount of food that we currently have.
My family was until a few years ago, what can be considered in any country, an average family of professional class, my dad worked in a good company and my mom also between the two earned about $400 per month, as I am told, and that was enough to live more or less well, pay the bills, school and give us a few extra treats.

As a result of the bad economy in the last 10 years, both of them lost their jobs, had to work in other jobs they had never done before, and even had to sell many of the things in the house to be able to buy food.

That's why we are currently quite tight on income, and we are barely making ends meet.


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What is the average salary?

According to the figures given by the government, the official salary or minimum wage as they call it is $30 a month, but I tell you, nobody lives on that, the real salary earned by a high percentage of workers must be around $80 or $90, about 100 HBD, which is very little, so in a house everyone must work and have two or more incomes to be able to support themselves.

My dad says that a family of 4 people must have at least an income of 400$ or 500 HBD per month to be able to support themselves moderately, in my case at the moment in spite of the hard work that my dad and my mom do we do not exceed 120$ per month, that is why we are so bad.

Only the payment of my school, which is the biggest expense we have in the house these days, is 80 USD $ a month, which would be approximately 100 HBD, yes it is very expensive, and they increase it every time they want, last year it only cost 30 USD$, but inflation is so strong that it eats up to the level of a terrible monster almost everything my parents earn.

My parents earn in Bolivars, the local currency, not in dollars, which is how they earn almost everything, that is why they have less and less to pay their debts because the Bolivar is worth less every day, but their salary remains the same.

How much does your family need to live well?
If we wanted to return to the quality of life we had about 10 years ago, my parents would have to earn between them more than 2000 USD$ which is impossible nowadays, for a couple of professionals despite their many studies.

Now, if we had a monthly income of at least 500USD$ or HBD, we would be much more stable and at least we could eat much better, and pay without problems the cost of school and utilities expenses.


How much is the value of HBD here?

For that we have to use the most common platform to exchange money here in Venezuela, this portal is called, and it is an exchange table where they can transform your HBD efficiently and safely into Bolivars or any other currency you prefer.


This image is my own and was edited by me using PowerPoint


This image is my own and was edited by me using PowerPoint


How do I budget in my house?

There is not really a way to budget exactly, since my father's fixed income is small and that goes directly to buy food, the additional jobs he does are not fixed, it depends on whether he is hired to do something or sells a product that leaves him some profit.

The same is the case with my mom who only sells makeup products, perfumes, creams and also makes candy and cakes for sale, almost all of that is to help pay my school fees, but it is never enough, so we already have an accumulated debt of more than 5 months that we must pay before the end of the year in order to graduate.


This image is my own and was edited by me using PowerPoint

How do you make your budget more efficient?

In my house we save as much as we can, the money my mom earns is managed as best she can, we don't eat expensive things, we don't eat street food either, we prepare everything ourselves.

We buy at the farmers' fairs in the afternoon to find products that are already cheaper because they prefer to sell them at a lower price than having to take them away again, that allows us to save a lot.

The same thing happens with meat or chicken, we try to buy them at a friend's butcher shop who gives us good prices and also gives us credit, so we can pay him every 15 days or so.

What would your life be like if you had an income of 100 HBD per month?

With this income I would take the burden of having to pay my monthly school fees off my parents' shoulders, I would put that money directly towards my monthly education expenses. That way my parents could dedicate the fruits of their labor to other things like being able to buy better food and more quantity to feed us, at least at an acceptable level.

Well, I hope you like my vision of what I could understand about the economy of my country and how hard it is to survive in an economy where inflation is gigantic and the purchasing power of the people is at the floor and goes down more and more every day.



El valor del HBD

Hola querida manada de LeoFinance, una de las comunidades de Hive que más me gustas por sus retos de concursos, me obligan a estudiar y aprender cosas nuevas.

Como saben, yo soy nuevo en Hive, y desde mis primeros pasos quise unirme a la manada como un pequeño cachorro #NewLion, para ello he tenido que estudiar mucho, y aprender cosas nuevas del mundo de las criptomonedas.

Esta publicación es todo un reto para mí, porque según pienso yo, para hacerla digna del portal, tengo que hacer algo mucho mejor que solo tomar unas fotos en el supermercado, tengo que estudiar y explicar algo de economía y presupuesto familiar, pero desde el punto de vista de un adolescente que todavía no produce su propio dinero.

Pero lo que sí puedo hacer, es entrevistar a mis padres, y tratar de transmitir con mis palabras, mi visión de cómo la economía, la devaluación, y el poder adquisitivo me afectan directamente.
Wow que términos tan complicados, pero si los nombro aquí, es porque ya estudio sobre ellos para poder explicarlo.

Primero que nada, como mi objetivo es que cualquiera que lea esto me entienda, no puedo usar palabras difíciles, quiero que si otro joven lee esto, le pueda interesar aprender porque el HBD es tan importante en mi vida actual, y claro, es algo que aprendí hace muy poco.


¿Qué es el HBD?

Desde mi punto de vista, el HBD es una moneda digital de intercambio mundial, que tiene un valor o un precio como quieran decirle, que siempre estará cerca del dólar, es decir, su valor es estable, no cambia de manera brusca como otras criptomonedas.

Pudiéramos decir que el HBD es la versión BlockChain de la moneda USDT, pero con las ventajas, porque se maneja en una red descentralizada.

Ahora seguro al igual que yo te preguntaras:

¿Por qué es una ventaja que el HBD sea descentralizado?
Bueno, es muy sencillo, el soporte y las aprobaciones la da una cadena de bloques, no un ente regulador omnipotente que a capricho puede regular o controlar tu dinero, incluso hasta quitártelo. Por eso el HBD es más seguro desde el punto de inversionistas.


Ok, ahora vamos a hablar de mi país y mi ciudad,

Como saben, yo vivo en la ciudad de Caracas, Venezuela. Para los que no saben eso queda en América del Sur. En mi país la economía tiene muchos problemas, tantos que debido al fenómeno de la inflación, ya hemos cambiado de moneda varias veces en menos de 2 años, porque la cantidad de ceros ya no cambian en los billetes, por lo poco que valían.

Solo para que tengan una idea de lo terrible que es esto, si yo quería comprar una dona o rosquilla para la merienda en la cantina del colegio en 2021, que costaba aproximadamente 1$, yo debía llevar su equivalente en Bolívares Soberanos, eso era algo así como 5.035.381 y para pagar eso tenía que llevar como 80 billetes, sé que suena extraño, pero si, la moneda valía tan poco que para pagar algo tan sencillo, debes tener el dinero en el morral del colegio en lugar de en los bolsillos.

Como les dije, ya han cambiado varias veces los billetes para eliminarles los ceros, ya son 14 ceros que le han quitado, para que me entiendan lo poco que vale el dinero en mi país, si tuviéramos todos los ceros un dólar (1USD) costaría Bs. 500.

Bueno, espero que entiendan hasta aquí, ahora voy a contarle algo más triste aún, y es el hecho de como mi familia se empobreció, hasta niveles horribles donde prácticamente todo lo que mi papá y mama producen con su trabajo, se gasta en comprar la poca cantidad de comida que tenemos actualmente.
Mi familia era hasta hace unos años, lo que puede considerarse en cualquier país, una familia promedio de clase profesional, mi papá trabajaba en una buena compañía y mi mamá también, entre los dos ganaban aproximadamente 400$ mensuales, según me cuentan, y eso alcanzaba para vivir más o menos bien, pagar las cuentas, el colegio y darnos unos gustos adicionales.

Producto de lo mal que fue la economía en los últimos 10 años, ambos perdieron sus trabajos, debieron dedicarse trabajar en otras tareas que nunca habían hecho, teniendo incluso que vender muchas de las cosas de la casa para poder comprar comida.

Por eso actualmente estamos bastante apretados con los ingresos, y apenas nos alcanza.


¿Cuál es el salario promedio?

De acuerdo a las cifras que da el gobierno, el salario oficial o sueldo mínimo como lo llaman es de 30$ al mes, pero les cuento, nadie vive con eso, el salario real que se ganan un porcentaje alto de los trabajadores debe estar por unos 80$ o 90 $, unos 100 HBD, lo cual es muy poco, por lo que en una casa todos deben trabajar, y tener dos o más ingresos para poder mantenerse.

Mi papá dice que una familia de 4 personas debe tener al menos un ingreso de 400$ o 500 HBD mensuales para poder mantenerse medianamente, en mi caso actualmente a pesar del duro trabajo que hace mi papá y mi mamá no superamos los 120$ al mes, o 150HBD por eso estamos tan mal.

Solo el pago de mi colegio, que es el gasto más fuerte que tenemos en la casa en estos días, es de 80 USD $ al mes, que serían aproximadamente 100 HBD, si es carísimo, y lo aumentan cada vez que quieren, el año pasado solo costaba 30 USD$, pero la inflación es tan fuerte que se come al nivel de un monstruo terrible, casi todo lo que gana mis padres.

Mis padres ganan en Bolívares la moneda local, no en dólares, que es como cobran casi todo, por eso cada vez tienen menos como poder pagar las deudas, porque el Bolívar todos los días vale menos, pero su sueldo sigue igual.


¿Cuánto necesita tu familia para poder vivir bien?
Si quisiéramos regresar a la calidad de vida que teníamos hace unos 10 años, mis padres tendrían que ganar entre ambos más de 2.000 USD$ lo cual es imposible en la actualidad, para un par de profesionales a pesar de sus muchos estudios.

Ahora bien, si tuviéramos un ingreso mensual de al menos 500 USD$ o HBD, estaríamos mucho más estables y por lo menos pudiéramos comer mucho mejor, y pagar sin problemas el costo del colegio y los gastos de los servicios.


¿Cuánto es el valor del HBD aquí?

Para eso tenemos que usar la plataforma más común para cambiar el dinero aquí en Venezuela, este portal se llama Orinoco y es una mesa de cambio, donde pueden transformarte tus HBD de manera eficiente y segura, en Bolívares o cualquier otra moneda que prefieras.


¿Cómo se hace el presupuesto en mi casa?
Realmente no existe una manera de presupuestar exactamente, ya que los ingresos fijos de mi padre son pocos y eso va directo a comprar comida, los trabajos adicionales que hace no son fijos, depende de que lo contraten para hacer algo o que venda algún producto que le deje ganancias.

Igual es el caso de mi mamá, que solo vende productos de maquillaje, perfumes, cremas y también hace dulces y tortas para la venta, casi todo eso es para juntar y pagar la mensualidad de mi colegio, pero nunca es suficiente, por eso ya tenemos una deuda acumulada de más de 5 meses, que debemos pagar antes de que termine el año, para poder graduarme.


¿Cómo haces más eficientes tu presupuesto?

En mi casa ahorramos todo lo que podemos, el dinero que ingresa, mi mamá lo administra, lo mejor que puede, no comemos cosas caras, tampoco comida de la calle, todo lo preparamos nosotros.

Compramos en las ferias de productores agrícolas en la tarde, para encontrar los productos que ya son más baratos porque prefieren venderlos a menor precio que tener que llevárselos nuevamente, eso nos permite ahorrar bastante.

Igual pasa con la carne o el pollo, tratamos de comprarlos en la carnicería de un amigo que nos da buenos precios, y también nos da crédito para que podamos pagarle cada 15 días más o menos.


¿Cómo sería tu vida si tuvieras un ingreso de 100 HBD al mes?

Con este ingreso les quitaría a mis padres el peso de tener que pagar la mensualidad de mi colegio, destinaría ese dinero directamente al gasto mensual de mi educación. De esa manera, mis padres podrían dedicar el fruto de su trabajo a otras cosas, como poder comprar mejor comida y más cantidad para alimentarnos a un nivel aceptable al menos.

Bueno, espero que les guste mi visión de lo que pude entender de la economía de mi país, y lo duro que es sobrevivir en una economía donde la inflación es gigantesca, y el poder adquisitivo de las personas está por el piso, y baja cada vez más todos los días.

Hasta la próxima


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.

Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.

Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

Great post @eollarvesm 😎 well done you, to show us your point of view as a teenager living in Venezuela. With the help of interviewing your parents.

Very informative to see the value of HBD there… and all the struggles your country has and still goes through.
Thanks for sharing.
Good luck in the challenge 🤞🏻

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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