We should plan our live savings fund with the our monthly salary irrespective of its vale


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Money which we earned may get easily swallowed into unwanted or untracked path if we didn't get serious on accounting. Let's make a quick overview of it.

For example, I was working at a garments company where we have 150+ styles for a single season for that we have to develop the sample and get approval from the buyer that what the SOP( system operating procedure) is . We need to track the data how much styles we developed and how many we need to develop or if i have any lagging in development we have to report to management likewise, each month we have to put make an auditing of our own money which we earned. Like how much we earned from job, mining, blogging, online trading and we have to find the exact output income of the month.

By calculating the income of month we need to decide how we are going to utilise and invest the money. While talking about investment I was struck by Great person advice that " We need to make atleast 5 different investments plan. As a day passby atleast 3 investment will help you to grow" &"Don't out all the eggs in single basket" which is also a popular slogan on crypto trading blogs.

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