Dorothy, The Gossip Columnist. | Dorothy, la columnista de chimes. Eng/Esp


In Britain, at the beginning of the seventeenth century, in 1700, historical events got lost in time, and events passed by without proper documentation for future reference. Then in 1765, 'The Morning Chronicle was born'. A media house where people with the talent of writing put down happening events on a Paper for people to read, get updated, and keep for futuristic reference.

Dorothy, a young beautiful and brilliant lady has always dreamt of working for the 'The Morning Chronicle paper'. Her interest was to create a gossip column for the first time in history whereby the column will entail activities that happen in or beyond the normal eyes. So she pursued her dreams and got to be the first gossip columnist in 1778.

On a fateful morning, Dorothy got an anonymous package in her office. The package contained a journal and a letter. The letter had the following words written in it.

"Dear Miss Dorothy,
Please find the journal attached to this package a map and a tool that will help you understand the event you are about to attend. The event is called 'Sanguis ducis balneum which translates to 'Duke's Blood bath'. It is an event held by the Duke of Rockford, special invites only, and I discovered most attendees do not return to their loved ones because they either died on their way back home. I find this event suspicious, please finish my discovery for people to beware of what is happening. If you are reading this, I might be dead, and thank you.
-Davien Blackburn."

Curious about what she had just read from the letter, she opened the Journal and began to read the contents, which contains how she can get an invite to the event, the location where the event takes place, and what the event is all about. Dorothy decided to finish Davien's discovery and expose his killers. She had a lot of preparation to do for the event, like getting a dress for the event which will be in 3 days.

The day of the event is now as Dorothy stood before Duke Rockford's gigantic estate. It looks elegant but eerie as it seems empty with no activities. She thought about her loved ones that she might never see again and something inside her gave her a hint of hope that she might return. Sure of her decision to risk her life to find out the truth behind the 'Sanguis ducis balneum' event, she walked to the gigantic gate to knock when suddenly the gate made a creaking sound and it opened to reveal the whole of Rockford's estate.

A few moments later, she was led by a courteous old man to a ballroom whom she concluded to be the butler where the event was being held. Getting to the ballroom, she heard Baroque music playing in the background with low chattering of people. As she entered the ballroom, the music stopped, and everyone went silent that the tiniest sound made would echo in the ballroom.

"Forgive my guests! Miss Dorothy, perhaps they are astonished by your alluring beauty" said Duke Rockford. He was dressed in an all-black shirt, waistcoat, breech, and shift looking handsome, with beautiful eyes, broad shoulders, and the body of a warrior.

"Your grace, I didn't mean to be such a distraction" Dorothy said as she curtsy in her beautiful silky royal blue ball gown.

"May I have the first dance?"

Dorothy took the Duke's hand as he led her to the center of the ball, the music began to play and they began to sway side to side as they danced.

"You were about to miss the main course of the event but you arrived just in time" Rockford whispered to her ear as he sniffed her hair.

"Your grace, if I may ask, what is this main course you talk about?" Dorothy asked

Rockford looked at her intensely, leans in, and said, "Pleasure"

The music stopped all of sudden, the door leading out to the ballroom closed with abrupt force, and then the women guests began to undress like they were being manipulated. Quickly, Dorothy spun around but Duke Rockford was nowhere to be found. Then she heard a woman's scream, immediately she turned towards the scream, it was Duke Rockford with his mouth on her neck, draining away her blood as she turned white and lifeless in his arms. Other women began to scream also as other highly placed men began to feed on them

Dorothy immediately turned around and began to run towards the door for her dear life, on getting to the door Rockford came to stand in front of her in a burst of speed.

"Forgive my rude manner, I should ask you to join me" he said as he licked away his victim's dripping blood from his bottom lip in a seductive manner.

"Please let me go, I promise not to speak of what happened here" Dorothy pleaded

"Ah! Shhhh. I cannot let you go, Miss Dorothy, because eventually, what happened here will be in 'The Morning Chronicle paper'. Don't be afraid and taint your blood, I will make it painless"

"Please, p-please I beg you" and in fluid movement, Rockford pulled Dorothy to him and sank his fangs into her skin as he began to drain her blood. Grunting from the sting of his bite and remembering that if she dies, the Duke's nefarious activities will continue. Right there, she kicked Rockford in the groin, which allowed her to run. Grunting from pain, Rockford went to his knees as he watched Dorothy run away.

The gigantic of Rockford's estate flung open as Dorothy ran out as fast as her legs could take her but it wasn't fast enough. So she stopped to catch, when all of a sudden she felt pain around her chest like it was being crushed, wheezing, her vision became blurry and in a single heartbeat adjusted to the night. Her heart stopped beating and her six senses became sensitive. Then as she tried to get up, she suddenly felt energized, and in a burst of uncontrolled speed, Dorothy ran for life. She now has the evidence to expose Duke Rockford's nefarious activities in her blood.




En Gran Bretaña, a principios del siglo XVII, en 1700, los acontecimientos históricos se perdían en el tiempo, y los eventos pasaban sin una documentación adecuada para futuras referencias. Entonces, en 1765, nació 'The Morning Chronicle'. Un medio de comunicación en el que personas con talento para la escritura plasmaban los acontecimientos en un papel para que la gente los leyera, se pusiera al día y los conservara como referencia futura.

Dorothy, una joven bella y brillante, siempre soñó con trabajar en el periódico "The Morning Chronicle". Su interés era crear, por primera vez en la historia, una columna de cotilleos en la que se recogieran actividades que sucedieran dentro o fuera de los ojos normales. Así que persiguió sus sueños y consiguió ser la primera columnista de cotilleos en 1778.

Una fatídica mañana, Dorothy recibió un paquete anónimo en su despacho. El paquete contenía un diario y una carta. La carta tenía escritas las siguientes palabras

"Querida señorita Dorothy,
Por favor, encuentre en el diario adjunto a este paquete un mapa y una herramienta que le ayudará a entender el evento al que va a asistir. El evento se llama 'Sanguis ducis balneum' que se traduce como 'Baño de sangre del Duque'. Es un evento celebrado por el Duque de Rockford, sólo con invitación especial, y descubrí que la mayoría de los asistentes no regresan con sus seres queridos porque o bien murieron en el camino de vuelta a casa. Me parece sospechoso este evento, por favor termina mi descubrimiento para que la gente tenga cuidado con lo que está pasando. Si usted está leyendo esto, yo podría estar muerto, y gracias.
Davien Blackburn. "

Curiosa por lo que acababa de leer de la carta, abrió el Diario y empezó a leer el contenido, que contiene cómo puede conseguir una invitación al evento, el lugar donde se celebra y de qué trata el evento. Dorothy decidió acabar con el descubrimiento de Davien y desenmascarar a sus asesinos. Tenía muchos preparativos que hacer para el evento, como conseguir un vestido para el evento que será en 3 días.

El día del evento es ahora cuando Dorothy se encuentra ante la gigantesca finca del Duque Rockford. Se ve elegante pero inquietante ya que parece vacía sin actividades. Ella pensó en sus seres queridos que tal vez nunca vuelva a ver y algo dentro de ella le dio una pizca de esperanza de que podría regresar. Segura de su decisión de arriesgar su vida para descubrir la verdad detrás del evento 'Sanguis ducis balneum', se dirigió a la gigantesca puerta para llamar cuando, de repente, la puerta hizo un sonido chirriante y se abrió para revelar toda la finca de Rockford.

Unos instantes después, un hombre mayor y cortés la condujo a un salón de baile que, según ella, era el mayordomo donde se celebraba el evento. Al llegar al salón de baile, escuchó música barroca de fondo con un parloteo bajo de la gente. Al entrar en el salón de baile, la música se detuvo y todo el mundo se quedó en silencio, hasta el más mínimo sonido que resonara en el salón.

"¡Perdonen a mis invitados! Señorita Dorothy, tal vez estén asombrados por su seductora belleza " dijo el duque Rockford. Iba vestido con una camisa, un chaleco, un calzón y una camisa negros, con un aspecto atractivo, ojos hermosos, hombros anchos y cuerpo de guerrero.

"Su gracia, no pretendía ser una distracción " dijo Dorothy mientras hacía una reverencia con su hermoso y sedoso vestido de baile azul real.

"¿Puedo tener el primer baile? "

Dorothy cogió la mano del Duque y la llevó al centro del baile, la música empezó a sonar y empezaron a balancearse de lado a lado mientras bailaban.

"Estuviste a punto de perderte el plato fuerte del evento pero llegaste justo a tiempo " le susurró Rockford al oído mientras le olía el pelo.

"Su gracia, si puedo preguntar, ¿cuál es el plato principal del que habla? " preguntó Dorothy

Rockford la miró intensamente, se inclinó hacia ella y dijo: "Un placer ".

La música se detuvo de repente, la puerta que conducía al salón de baile se cerró con fuerza brusca y, a continuación, las invitadas comenzaron a desnudarse como si estuvieran siendo manipuladas. Rápidamente, Dorothy se giró, pero Duke Rockford no aparecía por ninguna parte. Entonces oyó el grito de una mujer, inmediatamente se giró hacia el grito, era Duke Rockford con su boca en el cuello, drenando su sangre mientras ella se volvía blanca y sin vida en sus brazos. Otras mujeres empezaron a gritar también cuando otros hombres de alto rango empezaron a alimentarse de ellas

Dorothy inmediatamente se dio la vuelta y comenzó a correr hacia la puerta por su querida vida, al llegar a la puerta Rockford llegó a pararse frente a ella en una ráfaga de velocidad.

"Perdona mi mala educación, debería pedirte que te unieras a mí " dijo mientras lamía la sangre que goteaba de su víctima en su labio inferior de forma seductora.

"Por favor, déjame ir, prometo no hablar de lo que pasó aquí ", suplicó Dorothy.

"¡Ah! Shhhh. No puedo dejarla ir, señorita Dorothy, porque eventualmente, lo que pasó aquí saldrá en el periódico 'The Morning Chronicle'. No tenga miedo y manche su sangre, lo haré sin dolor ".

"Por favor, p-por favor te lo ruego " y con un movimiento fluido, Rockford atrajo a Dorothy hacia él y hundió sus colmillos en su piel mientras comenzaba a drenar su sangre. Gruñendo por el escozor de su mordida y recordando que si ella muere, las nefastas actividades del Duque continuarán. Allí mismo, le dio una patada a Rockford en la ingle, lo que le permitió correr. Gruñendo por el dolor, Rockford se puso de rodillas mientras veía a Dorothy huir.

La gigantesca finca de Rockford se abrió de golpe mientras Dorothy salía corriendo tan rápido como sus piernas podían llevarla, pero no era lo suficientemente rápido. Así que se detuvo para coger, cuando de repente sintió un dolor alrededor del pecho como si se lo estuvieran aplastando, resopló, su visión se volvió borrosa y en un solo latido se adaptó a la noche. Su corazón dejó de latir y sus seis sentidos se volvieron sensibles. Entonces, al intentar levantarse, se sintió de repente llena de energía y, en una ráfaga de velocidad incontrolada, Dorothy corrió por la vida. Ahora tiene las pruebas para desenmascarar las nefastas actividades de Duke Rockford en su sangre.

This is my entry to the writing club contest. To participate please click this LINK

Thank you for visiting my blog 🤗


Hi Esther! You kept me hooked to the story, good luck in the contest.
I wanted to boost your post on behalf of the Sassy Girls 😊.


Hello Coquicoin! I am glad you enjoyed reading the story. Thank you for your wishes and the boost.!LUV Sassy Girls!


You are welcome, Esther 😊🤗🌸


May I just say..I love Dorothy and you as well.. because your stories always have everything together in one place.

Nice friend


Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate your positive feedback!!LUV


The story reminds me of Bram Stoker's Dracula, you've handled the resource of horror well with vampy wit. How lucky that Dorothy made it out of Duke Rockford's palace unscathed. Hopefully it's the end of that sinister vampire.

Good work. Success for you!


Thank you. I appreciate your feedback! Dorothy surviving the event will definitely lead to the end of the Vampires. Thank you for the visit!


Wow, that was scary and entertaining. I thought she was going to end up like other victims and I hope she was able to expose the bloodsucker at the end of the struggles.

Fantastic story.


Dorothy escaping was satisfying at least there will be hope that Rockford's nefarious activities will be exposed. Thank you for stopping by George!


You are right about that, Dorothy will always be remembered if successful with it.


¿Se convirtió en vampiro? seguramente ya había sido mordida...muy buena historia, debería tener una segunda parte quedé en vilo con ese final. Me encantó. ¡Suerte, saludos!


Sí, se convirtió en un vampiro. Aunque estoy pensando en escribir una parte 2 para ver cómo Dorothy expuso el evento secreto o lo dejo así. Gracias por comentar. Se lo agradezco. Buena suerte también


Fascinante historia! me etiquetas si decides hacer la segunda parte. ¡Saludos!


Thanks for sharing on Listnerds
Have a wonderful day !ALIVE 😎


Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work


Me encantó! It took my attention at every word! I could even see Dorothy in the blue dress <3 thanks for sharing your art!


Hahah. I thought she might not have the chance to escape again. Oooo. All thanks to the kungfu skills 😂.

Good she got something as evidence too. If not who would believe all she wails say?


Dorothy would have been dead but she was saved by God's mercy. @esther-emmanuel, well done for this great job! I like the way you compose your fiction and continue with a good job!
