Self-leadership: A Necessary Vitamin For Effective Leadership

Self-leadership is a process in which a person is in charge or is in control of his/herself. This is an essential part of life that is ignored by great numbers of people.


Everyone seems or aspire to be a leader in certain areas of endeavors but very few lack self-leadership. It is convenient to say that a man that can not lead himself cannot lead others.

The main reason we see failures in a political system, religious or social organizations is the dearth of self-leadership which is translated into the method or style of leading the other people.

Let's take, for instance, a leader who lacks patients and self-control, and will end up bullying a recalcitrant follower(s) who will not only go to jail but might end up losing other followers. If it were a business organization, it might fold up.

Before a person assumes any leadership position he must ensure that he has subjected himself to rigorous self-leadership.

This self-leadership is training that will equip you to be able to stand against characters that might be seen in the people you're interested in leading. Ensure that you conquer anger, hatred, indiscipline, and others.

The ability to overcome these anomalies personally will give you a headway in overcoming such when they are thrown at you.

Remember that each level of leadership requires exceptional attributes to undertake. For instance, the style of leadership in a family with few members is not applicable in a macro-political system like occupying the office of the Governor of the state.

Therefore, ascending to a leadership position should be progressive. Each level should be fully utilized before taking the other. Outside this, colossal failure becomes inevitable for such a leader.

Evidence to show that you have successfully led yourself.

This write-up would never be completed if justice isn't done in this aspect.

There are numerous attributes, to prove that a person has effectively led himself.

  1. When a person can tolerate the excesses of others either in the workplace or in the home.

  2. When you look you're able to control your emotions. The greatest and most powerful man on earth is not the one who conquered territories but one who has control over his emotion. There are three critical moments in a person's life. These moments hold sway over the future of a person. They are the sad moment, excited, and angry moments. Your reaction at these moments will determine whether you have led yourself effectively.

  3. The ability to forgive yourself whenever you renegade from the path you set for yourself shows that you can forgive another.

  4. Self Appreciation and acceptance is another way of proving self-leadership. Ensure that you have accepted yourself the way you are, without wanting to be like another person. With this, you will be able to accept others no matter who they are.

These and others will prove to you that you have led yourself successfully which will give you the credential to lead others.

Remember that leadership is a very critical aspect of life that requires you to take a group of people to achieve a goal. Everything rise and falls in leadership. The growth and progress of a nation are determined by its leaders hence, it is very imperative for the people to critically accessed those who are aspiring to become their leaders.

Remember that self-leadership is a necessity for the effective leading of others.

Thank you for stopping by to read this little piece of work.


Not once have I ever thought of self leadership.
These attributes are inspiring and I’m glad I could tick at least one from the list.

I enjoyed reading this amazing article, I learned something today.


Thank you. The ability to lead yourself determines your efficiency to lead others.

Once again thank you.


Self-leadership is crucial in fulfilling your leadership responsibilities. When you know what motivates you and they have a lifestyle that allows it to be possible, you'll proceed much more effectively in anything you do.

Remember, to stay ahead of the game and don't slack 😊
