My Libertarian Philosophy Summarized


I created this document giving my views on key issues facing Americans (and all free people.)

School Choice
Parents have an obligation to educate their children as well as shelter and feed them. Government has an obligation to stay out of their way. Good teachers should be free from licensing and free to open good schools that parents can freely choose without government involved in the transfer of funds from parents to teachers.
…is theft most of the time. Income taxes in particular are a vehicle for government data collection/spying. Taxes are weaponized against political opponents. Anything done with taxes could be done in the private sector.
Good people will collaborate to protect their homes. Protecting our borders from invasion by foreign aggressors is one of the few constitutionally-enumerated powers of government. Otherwise, we are to avoid foreign entanglements. Cross my threshold or otherwise threaten my family, I will kill if I must.
We can either have open borders OR a welfare state. No nation can have both. As for slave traders (human traffickers), see “War” above.
Drug war
Cartels are a foreign aggression (see “War”) As for people putting substances in their own bodies, the costs to society of the “war on drugs” exceeds the cost of letting some people destroy themselves—since the government can’t stop them anyway, we must let them reap the natural consequences of their actions. The problem then eventually solves itself.
Nobody should be put in a cage for possessing a plant.
Criminal Justice
The Bible says a judge should not prefer anyone because they are rich or poor, male or female, etc. We need far fewer laws and those few that remain must be enforced consistently. Juries and all citizens have a duty to nullify unjust laws by ignoring them. The only laws we need are those punishing people who hurt others physically or take their stuff.
Personal and Bodily Autonomy
A person’s body is personal. Nobody may compel a medical procedure. Touching another person requires their consent. Parents are obligated to protect their children until they can protect themselves—this includes protecting them from the government. Violence against an innocent party (one not threatening the life or limb of another) is never just. Abortion is violence against a person who is located in a womb through no act of their own, therefore adults have an obligation not to kill a person they brought into being either intentionally or unintentionally.
Role of Religion in Politics, and Vice Versa
Religion is involved in politics only indirectly, as it influences the decisions of individual people and the communities they voluntarily form. Politics has ZERO role in religion, unless a religion is killing or stealing from people (see “Criminal Justice.”)

I welcome discussion, so let me know if you have any questions or want to challenge a particular point. Unlike the American establishment politicians, I welcome honest, substantive discussion of important issues.


You cant argue with these points, it's just common sense.


I agree with every one of your core beliefs. Thank you for sharing.


Well done, Kimberly. Your beliefs run parallel to mine. Thanks for sharing your views.


You're views are well stated and grounded in alot of common sense. We could use a whole lot more of that these days.
Abortion is violence against a person who is located in a womb through no act of their own, therefore adults have an obligation not to kill a person they brought into being either intentionally or unintentionally.
That is huge for me. When people talk about their right to choose they don't think about the fact that they are taking away another helpless human being's ability to make their own choice in the future. I want to tell them that they are really fortunate that their parents didn't make another choice.
