Monero Matic Quick Pull Back Then Again All Time High ! Matic Ready Fo Go To 160 $

I was still expecting the price and to go down.we still saw that this area of restriction was around 150 and still should have told us this market and ace part was still weak.

We hit our head twice there around 150 dollar and then this price has been on a downtrend and just yesterday the market came to our expectations to where we said was going to bounce and hold there about 152 dollar you think this is a complicated game because it is not you should be able to understand what the market is trying to do where it's trying to go without the confusion .
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You all this updated price target into the market for a smonero what do you all think.i mean are you looking for the price.they started to continue to go looking for us to stay elevated above 151 dollar and trade sideways for a couple of weeks and then what is your thought process just by looking at the price bars and the volume it doesn't take a whole lot just to figure out .
What the market is trying to tell us this market in monero is in a think we're in a stable this is a very logical question one needs to ask when they come in and look at this chart. because we've seen this market in monero continue to be well continue to trend lower.this price is still coming down where this market is trying to go.
What i'm going to do what do you all think about the market in monero.what do you all think looking at this current price what does it look like the market wants to do from this perspective from this time frame.the market wants to come down and the second thing i want you all to take a look at this is where the trend or the breakout started in monero.

You see look at where the price is though you can see the trend has been broken in monero .

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