Change your circle


There's a saying which says "show me your friend and I'll show you and I'll tell you who you are". This means the kind of people we associate ourselves with plays a lot of importance in each and everyone lives and tells in every aspect of our daily lives, which is why it's very important to keep the right and positive sets of friends to move or associate with.

In a society, nothing is worse than having the wrong set of friends or companion because the motivation behind the whole struggle is going to be negative and full of negative vibes alone whereby distractions sets in and take over the whole situation.

It is said that if one is not progressing amongst his/her peers, it is advisable to change the set of friends he/she moves with and change the circle in which the knowledge is been distributed to allow fresh ideas set in and include a lot of positivity.

Lack of good company destroys lots of things which is not easy trying to revive after a long period of time, that is why it is advisable to stay away from company that will lead to the destruction of oneself and focus on how to move forward.

Invest your time with people who would share their knowledge with you, and people who are willing to give the return the same vibe you shared with them.

Sometimes staying from set of people could be the step you need to take in life to really focus on the determination.

Stay true and stay happy

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