[ESP-ENG] Iniciativa: 4 Cosas que hago a Diario en mi Hogar / Initiative: 4 Things I Do Everyday at Home


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Cosas que hago a Diario en mi Hogar

Hola mi gente linda de Hive , me siento contenta de compartir con todos ustedes el día de hoy estoy participando en la iniciativa impulsada por mi amigo @anthony2019, donde nos anima a mostrar lo que hacemos a diario en nuestros hogares, me encantó el tema porque así podemos ir conociéndonos y creando empatía entre nosotros.
Actividad 1
Todos los días antes de levantarme de mi cama suelo tocar una parte de ella la cual emite un sonido que le indica a mi perrita linda que ya estoy despierta y ella al igual que yo feliz nos saludamos, siempre le encanta lamerme la mano yo poco a poco me he ido acostumbrando a su saludo, siento como que si me besara al lamerme y es su manera de demostrar su afecto, yo la acaricio y la saludo con mucho cariño, me encanta saber que está allí a mi lado y siempre feliz moviendo su colita.

**Hello my beautiful people** from Hive, I am happy to share with you all today I am participating in the initiative promoted by my friend @anthony2019, where he encourages us to show what we do daily in our homes, I loved the topic because so we can get to know each other and create empathy between us. Every day before getting up from my bed I usually touch a part of her which emits a sound that tells my cute dog that I am awake and she just like me happily greets each other, she always loves to lick my hand a little Little by little I have been getting used to her greeting, I feel as if she kissed me by licking me and it was possible to show me her affection, I caress her and greet her with great affection I love knowing that she is there by my side and always happy waving her tail.

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Every day before getting up from my bed I usually touch a part of her which emits a sound that tells my cute dog that I am awake and she just like me happily greets each other, she always loves to lick my hand a little Little by little I have been getting used to her greeting, I feel as if she kissed me by licking me and it was possible to show me her affection, I caress her and greet her with great affection I love knowing that she is there by my side and always happy waving her tail.

Actividad 2
usar los lentes y revisar mi celular.

Todos los días me pongo mis lentes y reviso el chat porque es una manera rápida de saber como esta mi familia y leer que está ocurriendo en mi comunidad ya que allí nos informan sobre servicios del día como corte de agua por mantenimiento, luz, etc.

Me meto en discord y reviso mi post y ver como ha ganado corazones y eso me da mucha alegría de ver cuantas personas han visitado mi casa en Hive mientras duermo. Se que mis contenidos son de enseñanza en su mayoría de comida y fotografía y me da satisfacción saber que mi tiempo y esfuerzo es valorado.

Every day I put on my glasses and check the chat because it is a quick way to know how my family is and to read what is happening in my community since there they inform us about services of the day such as water cut for maintenance, electricity, etc. I get into discord and check my post and see how it has won hearts and that makes me very happy to see how many people have visited my house in hive while I sleep. I know that my content is mostly about food and photography and it gives me satisfaction to know that my time and effort is valued.

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Actividad 3
Cocinar y crear contenidos.

Todos los días mientras la salud esté al 100 suelo cocinar, me encanta cuando puedo tener muchos ingredientes y jugar creando algo diferente con ellos, cocinarle a mi familia y sacar las fotos de lo que hago para mis post es ya una rutina a veces alguno de mis hijos se acerca y me ayuda en la foto final, creo que ya estudian mis horas jajja porque el que me hace esa foto suelo decirle amor siéntate y disfruta ahora este bello plato hecho con amor.

Activity 3
Cook and create content.

Every day while my health is 100 I usually cook, I love it when I can have many ingredients and play creating something different with them, cooking for my family and taking photos of what I do for my posts is already a routine sometimes some of My children come closer and help me in the final photo, I think they already study my hours haha ​​because the one who takes that photo of me usually says love, sit down and now enjoy this beautiful dish made with love.

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Actividad 4
Redactar mis publicaciones para Hive:
Desde que se de esta increíble plataforma suelo sentarme como 2 horas diarias en la computadora a escribir en mi blog, mientras escucho la buena música en Discord de la comunidad #laradio y #Pukumundo si los hago en la noche muy tarde, leer otros post y estudiar algunos buenos post pasados a curación de esta manera voy mejorando los míos y aprendiendo de otros compañeros, hago comentarios en ellos y voto diariamente para apoyar también a esta bella comunidad de gente linda que hace todo lo posible por crear buenos contenidos.

**Activity 4** Compose my posts for Hive: Since I know about this incredible platform I usually sit at the computer for about 2 hours a day writing on my blog, while I listen to good music on Discord from the #laradio and #Pukumundo community if I do them at night very late, read other posts and study some good posts passed to curation in this way I am improving mine and learning from other colleagues, I comment on them and vote daily to also support this beautiful community of beautiful people who do everything possible to create good content.

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There are many things that I usually do in the day between seeing and watering my plants, cleaning the house, taking care of the children, everything is a day to day to maintain order as much as possible.

At night I usually go to bed very late, I am grateful for that day full of so many things that fill me up and that sometimes manage to balance and unbalance my world, but life is thus full of content, learning and routines.

Thank you for this nice initiative and I would love to invite you to participate.
I forgot to tell you that every day I enjoy a delicious coffee prepared by my dear husband who makes me aware while I write my blog.

I forgot to tell you that every day I enjoy a delicious coffee prepared by my dear husband who makes me aware while I write my blog.

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Thank you for this nice initiative and I would love to invite you to participate.

This post is 100% original, the writing, photos and content are of my authorship. use the text separators made in Canva, the photos were taken with the smartphone camera and use the translator deepL.


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Hola, @fotomaglys.

Gracias por unirte a mi iniciativa.

Tus utilidades son de total beneficio para ti.

Estar en Hive, es algo que requiere tiempo y concentración. Aparte, en Discord, te diviertes muchos con otros usuarios de la plataforma.


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